Sunday, January 5, 2020

Daemonettes of Slaanesh

As I think I mentioned in the 2020 Game Plan - Q1, I'm working on a Daemons of Chaos army for 40K (and, potentially, Age of Sigmar... if I were to ever decide I wanted to play that... OR Dragon Rampant...!?). There are SO MANY people playing Imperial Forces around here - Marines, Guard, Knights, etc... it's a bit of a drag playing blue-on-blue at the few events I've gone out out to over the last couple years. I did take Aeldari to the last two (last year's Battle Force Recon and Strange Bedfellows Team Tournament), but still ended up playing against another Eldar force and, given the events of the Psychic Awakening, even playing against Imperial forces seems a bit off - with the greater peril of the onslaught of Chaos forces pouring into reality through the Cicatrix Maledictum!

So... Chaos... I figure they are the perfect foe to play against at the Imperial-types... and any Aeldari... and, hell, they even fight EACH OTHER... constantly!?

I got a copy of the Wrath & Rapture box set for Xmas to get started and will slowly be adding more Slaanesh elements to the army... I also have a few Chaos Space Marines and Cultists I can add to the force as allies - and even a few Chaos Knights! (When I get around to finishing those!)

To start with... Daemonettes of Slaanesh!

I kind of speed-painted these - mostly using Contrast® Paints. They're not the prettiest minis I've ever painted... but they're freaking DAEMONS!? They're not supposed to be pretty (I know... Slaanesh are supposed to be alluring... but that's using tempting whispers and lies and drugs and Soporific Musk and such - their true forms are supposed to be horrific!

Daemoneetes with their Demon Prince (an old Keeper of Secrets model) and an old metal Fiend (and a couple of Chaos Space Marines lurking in the background).

For Slaanesh, I have a unit of five Seekers (Daemonettes riding Steeds of Slaanesh), three Fiends of Slaanesh, and the Infernal Enrapturess to paint up from the Wrath & Rapture box to finish (and two more units of Daemonettes, five more Seekers and an Exhalted Chariot that I picked up on Boxing Day, but an mot allowed to open until I finish the basement game room!).

At some point, after finishing up all of the above, I'd like to get one of the NEW Keeper of Secrets models to lead the army and MORE Daemonettes! The daemonettes can be fielded in units of THIRTY. When there are more than 20 left in the unit they get an additional attack. I thought it would be fun to just have SWARMS of them flooding the table and it would also mean they could take some hits on the way into close combat and HOPEFULLY still have at least 20 in one or two of the units when they slam into... whatever they're fighting.

It'll be a very melee oriented army, not much that shoots at all.

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Game Reports or MORE DAEMONS - probably the unit of Bloodthirsters of Khorne.

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