Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Eversor Assassin(s)

I picked up a second Eversor Assassin a while back. I'm not sure why. I already have one. It's a (slightly) newer one. I think I might have been buying stuff from an eBay seller and they happened to have it and it was too good of a price to pass up...? Regardless, I have it, and finished painting it...

Eversor Assassin.

I also recently rebased the one I already have.

The pair of them.

I'd started painting/rebasing them a while back and then stalled and then cleared them off the workbench, but then recently brought them back to finish up because a recent White Dwarf magazine (451?) had rules for using them in Blackstone Fortress - using the Army of One rules (originally made for running Harlequin Solitaires through a Blackstone Fortress Expedition). I thought it might be fun to run him through a couple of Expeditions - not to find the Hidden Vaults, or anything, but with the object of taking out Obsidius Mallex, the Chaos Lord bent on taking the Blackstone Fortress for himself! Seems like a job an Imperial Assassin would be sent out to do!

Coming soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Tomorrow I'll be posting April Games: Part Two - it's been a busy week!


  1. Nice work!
    I especially like the more human-looking ninja one.

    1. Thanks - the ninja-like one is really, really old. It was released in the late 80s or early 90s - back when I was playing 1st Edition Warhammer 40k - because I had one at that point. This isn't it, though. It was lost in one of my great purges in the 90s. I picked this one up off eBay a couple years back... I do love the figure - and it works as an Eversor Assassin (back then there weren't different Assassin temples - or whatever they're called... there were just... Assassins... and they were bad ass...).

  2. Great work on those old minis,

    I remember painting the eversor assassin myself in 1993, and we're essential in games if you were using imperial guard.


    1. Thanks!

      I'm not sure I ever even used my original one in a game - I mostly had Eldar at the time. I just thought it was a super cool miniature - How could I not buy and paint a FUTURE SPACE NINJA!

  3. I actually didn't realise just how similar these two are! The Eversor is by far the most bad ass and pure grimdark assassin there is, but I've also got a soft spot for the masterpiece that is the ninja looking dude. Gotta be a Jes Goodwin model. They both look awesome.

    1. THANKS!

      Yeah, the newer Eversors were definitely inspired by the original - and then the other types were added.

  4. Great looking pair of assassins, I've only got the older one,both lovely figures!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks!

      The newest ones are plastic and very dynamic... but I can't justify the $37CAD for a miniature I already have and don't even need more than one of!?
