Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Guard Kill Teams

though I haven't actually PLAYED Kill Team in some time, I think about it often, and am regularly planning and organizing (if only in my head) ideas for assorted Kill Teams for various different factions. I have at least five (or maybe six...?) dedicated Imperial Guard Kill Teams - like miniatures set aside in a drawer of their own, not technically part of the 40K army organization. (MORE Kill Teams could be formed from any of them). Below are a few additions to (or, in most cases, the beginnings of) a few of those Kill Teams.

First, I thought I'd do a Kill Team of Necromundan Guard - inspired by the old painting of the Souring of Ralgor VIII - featuring the 9th Necromundan Regiment - by John blanche, I think...?) originally featured in White Dwarf #109 (and on the box of the very first plastic Imperial Guard figures).

Later in the article is a plate featuring a similarly kitted out Guard of the 5th Arcadian Regiment.

Originally I'd painted them with a middle grey base with black stripes outlined in white (done by painting larger white stripes and then painting smaller black strips on top - making sure to leave white around the edges) to stay true to the original - although I didn't do the pockets in brown...

the red stripe on the helmet denotes that they are part of a Tactical Squad. The B on the shoulder indicates they are part of B Company. The two-toned circle indicates they are in 2nd platoon. The "5" within the circle indicates the 5th Regiment. This all seems bass-awards to me - platoon and regiment denoted on one bit of insignia - company being denoted somewhere else entirely!? It seems like the circle should indicate Platoon/Company or Company/Regiment... but then when has ANYTHING made ANY sense in the world of 40K... I mean a force with three freaking squads is a "Battalion" detachment in 8th edition (oh... the pain that causes in my brain...)

I have to admit, I don't LOVE the look of the white. I don't HATE it, per se.... but I don't love it...

So I tried it with the same middle grey base but lighter grey stripes, outlined in black. Similar idea to the original - greys for an urban camouflage look - but a bit more subdued.

I am torn... be true to the original... or a more subdued look that I like the look of better (is also did some of the insignia in a more subdued grey, rather than white).

I also experimented with doing the bases in earth tones - like many of my miniatures - or with greys - to look more like a ruined cityscape. I'm torn about this as well... the browns make for a bit of a contrast... the greys make it look like they camouflage is actually useful...

I'm feeling like the Greys will work better for most boards/tables I'm likely to use them on.

and their camouflage makes more sense with the Grey Base.

I also knocked off a pair of Guard armed with Flamers in a similar fashion.

and an OLD Imperial Guard trooper - that I'd put on a Necromunda base...

I've also been working on a few Antrai Guard, to accompany Commissar Severina Raine - from Rachel Harrison's stories. (I have to admit, I haven't actually even read Honourbound, though I do OWN a copy, but I did thoroughly enjoy A Company of Shadows - the short story included in the Black Library Celebration 2019 compilation - and currently have Hanourbound next in the queue of THINGS TO READ). They are described as wearing a "Splinter Camouflage" in "grey and green".

Their backs - for more detail of that camouflage.

I also picked up the Severina Raine miniature when Honourbound was released and finally finished her up!

Commissar Raine with a few of her Antari Guard. I have a few more to add to this - including some Tempestus Militarum. Should make a pretty decent Kill Team!

I also converted another Commissar miniature to use as Ciaphus Cain. The only real conversion here was to replace the plasma pistol and power sword, that the miniature came with, with the las pistol and chainsword that Cain seems to prefer (at least in the stories I've read, so far!)

While I was at it, I started rebasing some of the Valhallans I painted some time ago - just a few to experiment... I'm... not sure... snow...? Does it work?

More of Cain and the Valhallans.

And, while I was working on all these other guard... I thought I'd try painting a couple spares I had to look like Traitor Guard - to add to the potential Hostiles available for the Explorers to face in Warhammer Quest: Blasktone Fortress. I probably should have put more SPIKES on their shoulder pads... I may still go back and do just that!

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog: 

Predicting the future is tricky in these times of unrest... If I had to guess... More Guard? Blackstone Fortress (miniatures or game reports)...? But who knows!? I guess it will be a surprise (for me as much as anyone!?).


  1. Lots of great work there!

    I am leaning towards the gray camo and gray bases (or grey). The snow bases look good to me (but I don't have a lot of personal experience with snow).

    1. Thanks!

      I've experimented with snow before, and been underwhelmed by how it ended up looking. I'm okay with this.

  2. I prefer the more subdued camo for your next guard army, the commisars are ace and I like the snow finish, the traitor guard just don't look commited enough, it's all very well painting your kit with a bit of purple but where's the spikes and skulls we cry!
    Best Iain

    1. "Lack of Commitment" - yeah, that perfectly sums up the look on these guys. I had thought of going back in and adding spikes - but skulls are a great idea too!
