Thursday, April 30, 2020

Inquisitors, Watch Master, Genestealer Patriarch

A bunch of stuff rolling off the workbench this week, but a fair bit of it is going into a couple separate posts that will require a bit more work. These are the few things that don't really fit into either of those other posts...

Inquisitors! Two inquisitors for Warhammer 40K. One is an older metal Inquisitor in Terminator Armour, the other is a more recent casting of Gregor Eisenhorn.

Inquisitor Eisenhorn. Eisenhorn is the protagonist of a series of novels by Dan Abnett - that I recently started reading... and then stopped... After finishing the first one as I'd gotten distracted by Ciaphus Caine. When will I finish off the series...? Maybe after I'm done with Ciaphus Cain...? But there are TEN novels in that series! I'm part way through the second!? Mind you there is also Honorbound on my reading list... and I never did finish that Kal Jericho omnibus I'd started... (Too! Many! Books! To! Read!)

I'd like to put together a team of Adepts to represent a couple of Eisenhorn's companions... not sure where I'll find minis for them. Chasterner Godwin Fischig shouldn't be to hard - just use one of the Adeptus Arbites I already have (or... track down another one...?). Midas Betancore, a Glavian pilot with some sneaky-beaky spy craft skillz... dude in a bodysuit with a needler? Alizabeth Bequin - a psychic blank, former pleasure girl...? Maybe a spare Escher model could be adapted? Uber Aemos, the Savant? Might have something already that might work...?

Inquisitor in Terminator Armour. Haven't decided on a name for this Inquisitor just yet... but I think he or she will be an Inquisitor in the Ordo Malleus and be the nominal leader of my Grey Knights. I have three other, older, metal Grey Knight Terminator models I need to paint up - that could be part of this Inquisitor's entourage.

Watch Master of the Death Watch - super elite Xenos-hunting marines gathered from all of the chapters. They are the Chamber Militant of the Ordos Xenos branch of the Inquisition (like the Grey Knights, mentioned above, are the Chamber Militant of the Ordo Malleus). This is actually one of Finnegan's figures. I though I'd paint it for him. The next White Dwarf, if/when it ever ships, apparently had an article about the Death Watch and includes rules for using a Watch Master in Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress - using the Army of One rules - like the ones we used for the Harlequin Solitaire or that I plan to use for the Eversor Assassin.

There are a few others miniatures of his I'm going to be painting over the next little bit because I have  a little narrative campaign in mind for Kill Team... I've started with THIS ONE...

A Genestealer Patriarch! Another one of Finnegan's minis. I quickly knocked this one off with Contrast paints. Not the prettiest... but it's DONE and good enough to go on the table and get shot up by a bunch of Marines and Guard... hopefully...

These are two more Imperial Fist Scout Marines I also finished up. They'll also appear in one of the upcoming posts with more background fluff... but I thought I'd include them as a preview here, as there are just the two...

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

I have a few posts I should be finishing up in the next day or so...

April Games (and Other Stuff) Part Four - wrapping up the games we played (and other stuff we did) in the last week and a bit of April.... seems like forever ago that I posted Part Three.... but it really was just a week and a day or so!?

Detachment Xn - Imperial Fists Kill Team - pictures and background of the Imperial Fist Kill Team I've been working on (and just finished two more for!)

3rd Squad, 2nd Platoon, B Company, 5th Necromundan Regiment - a PILE of Imperial Guard that I've finished off for ANOTHER Kill Team. (finishing off the ones I'd posted in the Guard Kill Teams post)


  1. I like the inquisitors and the patriarch- that base is really good!

    1. Thanks. I got the pack of 400 skulls from GW and went a little overboard...

  2. Lovely inquisitors and scouts! The watch master is ace!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks! He wasn't too troublesome, either. I am tempted to just knock off an entire Kill Team of Deathwatch Marines.

      (Especially now since I picked up that Death Watch RPG Humble Bundle!)
