Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Last of the June Games (and Other Stuff)

And that's June...

Not playing nearly so many games as we did in the first month of Covid... but still... not bad, considering!

For more details, check out the Game Plan 2020 - Q3 (which includes a bit of a look back at the last three months!)

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

I took Keira to the dentist and orthodontist Tuesday.

On the way downtown we ran into this gaggle of awkward adolescent goslings out for a wander with their co-op daycare group.

Not sure if it was more of a case of Geese leading the goslings about, or the gosling shoving the geese about...?

The Dentist was on broadway. It was 8:30 in the morning. I thought - it's nice out, there's no one around, I'll sit outside and wait on a bench - no need for a mask right now. 9am wannabe-white-gansta-dude sits down on the same bench as me, no mask, shouting into his phone, dropping f-bombs. There were FIVE other EMPTY benches in plain view... WTF!?

Five minutes later ANOTHER dude comes and sits down with his coffee on the bench perpendicular to mine - at the end closest to me - so close enough I could have kicked him in the shins. It's like people have zero idea what's happening in the rest of the world... or can't read a graph... or blissfully unaware of the 100 new cases in the last week - a small number compared to other parts, but quadrupling the number of active cases in the province... There's a definite "it's over" or "it passed us by" vibe going on here.

Wednesday, 23 June 2020

It was Work-In--Progress Wednesday...

Here's what was on my workbench... Mostly the same junk as the previous week, but with a few new additions (can you spot them!?)

(Hint: one of them has already been finished and posted!)

Partially repainting a few of my own T'au Pathfinders so Finnegan can make use of them. They were originally green. I thought I'd add some purple in a camouflage pattern so it could mix with his troops. I was experimenting with adding a third colour (orange) but I'm not as happy with how that looks...

Finnegan ran his Wednesday D&D game in the afternoon.

Thursday, 25 June 2020

On Thursday I actually played some Kill Team with Finnegan....

Remembered why I haven't played Kill Team in so long... Necromunda is so much better of a skirmish game for the 41st millennium... the weird thing is NECROMUNDA CAME OUT FIRST!?

You can read a full report of the action - and see all the pictures here:

Loor Uv Da Loot!

Friday, 26 June 2020


WE played a game called Dogs. Keira picked this up a few years ago at the ToonCon auction and... we never really got around to trying it out. To be honest, at first glance, I TOTALLY thought it would be kind of lame... I mean you're running an Animal Rescue Centre? What? But we were looking for a new game to try out and I knew this was still languishing, untied on Keira's bookshelf and I wanted to do something Keira would be interested in and I figured she'd be pretty keen to try this one out... So we did... And, y'know What?  It's actually a pretty darned good game! There is some set collection, some serious resource management, a little bit of worker placement. Yeah, we all really had fun with this!

This was my animal Rescue Centre at the end of the game.

I would TOTALLY play this again.

Saturday, 27 June 2020

In the afternoon Finnegan ran his regular Saturday D&D game. He gets pretty animated at times!

in the evening I ran Wrath & Glory. We've been using a mix of Webex and Roll20 because, for some reason, the last two weeks we've had some players that simply cannot see or hear each other...? I could see and hear all of them... but players could not see or hear each other and, not aware the others were talking, would all be talking to me at once!? This mix of things seems to be working, though.

I drew some maps for the game and scanned them in at the last moment and figured out how to hide/reveal parts of the maps to the players. It looks grey above (because this is the GM view) but the greyed out areas appeared black to the players.

The game had a pretty epic conclusion - after spending some time rummaging about the bad guys lair,  the fuzz showed up... not just regular enforcers - these were highly trained mercenaries that has murdered the local enforcers, and had replaced/were impersonating them. They were SUPER bad ass and two of them could have easily taken out the whole group. Given how badly these guys were sneaking around - and how much time they were taking - I wouldn't make sense for less than half the force (6 of them) to show up.

I kind of expected them to flee at this point - they were smart enough to realize they were dead if they fought them... but also realized, if they left now, the group would probably pack up and leave and cover their tracks by burning it all down (Which IS exactly what they would have done... with pretty disastrous consequences for the entire neighbourhood!)... So Woody, playing Ivan, decided to use his acolyte's special ability and drop the name of their inquisitor and demand that they desist... Hardened mercenaries... superior numbers... vastly superior firepower... work for some serious badasses that pay well, but they would not want to disappoint... I decided to set this task at "Difficult" DN 7 (DN = Difficulty number = the number of successes they need to roll to succeed at the task - 4s and 5s equal one success each, 6s are two successes. He used a glory point to throw in an extra die...

(examples of difficulties "Challenging" - DN5 - jumping between carriages on a moving train in a bliszzard or noticing a disguised listening device in a dark room... "Difficult" - DN 7 - swimming against the current with a broken arm or synthesizing a cure for a Drukhari poison... so... "Difficult" is PRETTY DAMN HARD!)

Boom! Seven successes!

What made this even MORE spectacular was how Woody had been rolling SO POORLY - like, ALL NIGHT! so many ones... it was insane, so NO ONE expected this to work...

The Enforcers stopped dead in their tracks... looked at each other for a moment... the first one said; "I guess we'll just have to KILL ALL OF YOU and ditch your bodies in the sump..." (there was a brief moment of tension) but then one of the other enforcers said; "ARE YOU FRAKING KIDDING!? IT'S THE INQUISITION- WE ARE DONE FOR!!" after a brief argument, the enforcers told the acolytes to "just go" - being a bit of a compromise - They weren't going to kill them - but they were going to ensure their employers were able to get out as well...

This was clearly not ideal so Christian's character Basileus - the psyker who doesn't actually believe he's a psyker... (it's... a long story... the short version is he forgot that he's a psyker - something to do with memory wipes that didn't quite work and he sincerely believes he's just a very convincing speaker and can "read people" really well... all the abilities telepathic) - decided to start angrily shouting at the enforcers reminding them of the consequences of defying the Holy Ordos of the Inquisition (using the "Terrify" psychic ability).

The ability has a DN of 5 (it was made harder by the fact that he was lightly wounded - so DN 6)

That's ELEVEN successes. additional sixes beyond what is needed to succeed at the basic test can be used to "shift" - which makes the thing you are doing more effective in some way - so he had two shifts...

Thos enforcers turned around, ran out the door, got into their armoured car and drove off, never to be seen again...

That's pretty much where we had to end it for the evening. Hopefully next week they'll be able to finish up the investigation!

Sunday, 28 June 2020

Did a bit of this and that in the morning and afternoon... In the evening...

Amanda and I played Terraforming Mars! We only played with Prelude (and our fancy new dual-layer consoles)

I played Ecoline with Martian Industries and Ecology Experts. In the end I'd taken the Gardener and Builder Milestones as well as the Landlord and Thermaist Awards - the Thermalist award was a bit of a coup, as Amanda had funded it!

Amanda played Helion with Galilean Mining and a Metals Company - SO MUCH TITANIUM!! And then she got that card that made each of her metals worth one megacredit (or... whatever the money is called?)!

When we totalled up the points for Awards and Milestones - we were dead even. She had piles of points squirrelled away on cards - but I had a LOT of Cities surrounded by Greenery on the surface of Mars and just squeaked out a win with all of that!


This was our 29th play of the game. I suggested to the kids they should join us sometime this week for play #30!

Monday, 29 June 2020

We had planned on playing Blackstone Fortress again on Monday... but then decided to take a break for a couple of weeks - Amanda has a series of videos she wants to get caught up on and Mondays seemed a good evening to do that. I'm okay with the break. I really want to finish up the Cultists and Zoat - and the other explorers! Maybe a week or two will give me a chance to do just that.

Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Finnegan had a D&D game going on.

Amanda decided to dye her hair.

So we thought we'd play a quick game of Carcassonne while she was waiting for the colour to take.

The game took longer than the colour to take, so she had to take a break and go rinse it part way through.

Back to the game.

I don't know if it was the chemicals from the dye affecting her brain, or if she was just distracted by running off to rinse and dry...? But I totally won this game... like.. by a LOT! One of these days she'll really figure out farming and I'll never win a game again...

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Well... You can see some of what's coming up in the Game Plan 2020 Q3...

tomorrow I'll probably be posting a couple pictures of three more Imperial Fist Marine Scout and a bit of an intro to the campaign we've got going on this month!

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