Thursday, June 25, 2020


Kroogrz Log
Sturdayt For n Wun
Da Grotz iz gon an lawnchd da rok inna-owda-spayz. We go from Zonk. We go to New Werld.
It iz cowld. Sleep beknz. 

Uruk Kreuger took his Unvlaids and headed for new horizons. Launched on an Ork Rok, they lurched though the depts of space for centuries, until, finally coming into the path of Necromunda. The Ork ROk was blown apart by orbital defence systems, but a few chunks fell in the Ash Wastes, and from there The Unvalids decided to care out their own domain....

Finnegan got pretty excited about 40K again - so I thought I best strike which the iron was hot and get a game of Kill Team going on!

He wanted to play his Average Joes Genestealer Cult... and wanted to still play on Necromunda... So... The Unvalids are on the move!

We thought it would be best to play a simple, quick scenario - just to remind ourselves how to play - and we picked the Lure of the Loot scenario out of the Kill Team Annual 2019. Both forces are trying to nab some loot in the centre of the Kill Zone. WE decided the loot was parts both sides required for some sort of special project - or at least the Average Joes needed if for some special project... the Unvalids just thought it looked shiny and the baldies wanted it so it must be something good!

WE both picked the same Scouting Phase option - the one where you get to move 20% of the team before the first turn -  and had to roll off to see who got to do it. It was the Genesstealers.... and then, basically, the WHOLE FREAKING KILL TEAM got to do that AGAIN as part of their faction's special rule! So they all surged forward towards the loot!

The Orks had the initiative on the first turn, which was unfortunate, because they weren't within charging range of anyone yet - and that they ONE THING they're kind of good at... but moving up meant THEY'd be in range of the Genestealer Cultist's charges! But they went for it anyway - even if the Genestealer Cultists DID charge them, the Orks were likely to survive - and still hit back pretty HARD!

There were more than a few Genestelaer Cultists that just elected to sit back and shoot, however!

Others did charge it, where they could have the advantage of numbers.



It didn't hit nuffin.... but it sure wuz fun ta shoot!

(no, really, like... ALL GAME... There is ZERO reason to take anything but orks with Sluggas and Choppas - it's really ALL they are good at... Charge and fuck shit up!!)


Sneaky Genestelaer Cultist tried to make off with some of the Loot! But, good ol' Uruk Kreuger was a Blood Bowl Star BLITZER and he weren't going to let some puny little three-armed freak run of with the ball... er... LOOT! He snipped him good with the Kippurs of DOOM!

More Orks joining in the brawl!

Urrrr! Oi gots yooz!


It didn't hit nuffin.... but it sure wuz fun ta shoot!

The field of battle, getting thinned out a bit...

AT the end of Round Two Rub Furd was Shaken!

Ah... morale in this game is the WORST.


Heavy's blasting away at each other. Boomchakka Gurnard makes a grab for one of the crates of loot.

Unfortunately the Genestealer Cultists actually KNOW HOW TO SHOOT their heavy weapons... and that was the end of the Loota...

And then at the end of Round Three, Rub Furd rallied... but EVERYONE ELSE was shaken...

There is a real problem with the morale system that kind of gives a huge advantage to smaller, high-point-cost Kill Teams over cheap-like-durt, more numerous teams... I'd kind of forgotten about that....

At a certain point you just end up with half - or MORE - of everyone's team just standing there staring at each other not DOING anything... and the one or two lucky ones that rolled a one, plugging away at those standing still for the turn, point-blank-like.

Actually, I'd forgotten about quite a bit! I don't know how many times we found ourselves saying... "No, wait, that's not how it works... that's Necromunda we're thinking of... " And then it became clear why we haven't played this in AGES! Compared to Necromunda... it kind of blows...

We'd had a whole campaign planned out for Kill Team, but now I'm not sure I'd even want to play it out. We are thinking we may just use a mash up of Necromunda and Kill Team - basically using Necromundas rules - with all the kill team stats... there are a FEW differences and shifts we may have to make... but I think it will work SO MUCH BETTER for what we had in mind...

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

I got an End of June Games round-up I'm working on... and the Game Plan 2020 - Q3 plans (along with a look back at how the Q2 plans worked out...)

Things most likely to roll off the workbench next... Fabius Bile, the Archivist (the Zoat from Blackstone Fortress), Blackstone Fortress Cultists...? Maybe some Ork Dakka Jets...?


  1. Looks great and nice that your son wanted to play! Pity about the kill team rules, you used to really like them but if you're anything like me you get a ruleset in your head and then crash out loads of figures and try and do all the armies/factions, maybe just me! Good to hear that a kill team/ Necromundia mash up should work though!
    Best Iain

    1. Well Kill Team certainly had improvements over regular 40K - as did the new Apocalypse rules - which is why I was so baffled to learn that "#New40K" is going to be so wildly similar to the outgoing 40K.

      I remember picking up the Necromunda rule book - a bit late to the party - a year and a half (or... two years...?) after it's released and six months after Kill Team came out - and thinking THIS is what Kill Team should have been!?

      I mean, I guess I get it, it would have been a LOT more work to convert all those 40K models into a very different game when all they wanted to do was use pretty much the same data cards and abilities and stuff that regular 40K had...

  2. Hold on, Ganesha Games' "Harder than Steel" is on its way!

    I too would love to play Kill Team with a different set of rules.

    1. Is it? I thought it had been permanently shelved when Rogue Stars came out?

      We had briefly discussed making house rules - incorporating the bits of Necromunda we liked... but then realized there were so many, that we were basically turning it all into Necromunda and it would be easier to to just use THAT to scratch this level of Skirmish itch.

      "#New40K" is promising it will be scaleable and easily played with VERY SMALL forces. Maybe I'll end up using that for some of the ideas I had...?

  3. Couldn't you just use Necromunda for rules and just try to find equivalent Necromunda weapons for Kill Team weapons? Or just ignore or replace the Kill Team morale rules?

    I suspect that maybe the plan for #New40K might originally have been to do a complete rewrite, but then they got scared that they would alienate too many existing players. A lot of people have invested a lot of money in the existing rules (and add-ons). So they scaled back their changes to be more of a tweak rather than a rewrite.

    I get the feeling that GW has a bunch of different development streams that really don't talk to each other. This means that they have a bunch of different games based on the same general universe but also somewhat incompatible.

    1. Yeah, I think we should be able to use the Necromunda rules and just use the creature and weapon stat lines - there is enough similarity. We'll do some experimenting.
