Monday, June 22, 2020

STILL MORE June Games (and... Other Stuff)

One week left in June - and, indeed, in 2020-Q2! Guess I better look back at my Q2 plans and see if there are any games I need to quickly play in this last week to finish up any goals! (And maybe start making plans for Q3!

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Another morning ride with Amanda!

For anyone interested in knowing a bit more about the lovely lady in so many of these photos, the union that Amanda is a member of recently did an article about her:

ASPA Member Highlight – Amanda Plante

(and though they didn't give me any credit, I took half the photos in that article!?)

She did the 8Km loop to the south bridge... and then I carried on for a bit of a longer ride to the North Bridge.

Just to give you a sense of where that is... the lower loop that I did with Amanda was about 8Km. I did about 40Km. It had been raining the last few days and so I decided to stay (mostly) on paved tails within the city.

Some new signage I noticed... presumably people were seeing the sign and just stopping in the middle of the road to look and see if they could spot some... the new addition to the signage leaves a bit of a mixed message, though... I mean.... are automobiles supposed to just HIT any wildlife that cross this road now? Because...  NO STOPPING!?

Some more new way finding signage along the trail, which is really nice. In fact reading the sign I saw that there was something labelled on the legend as "Meewasin Mowed Trails" through the Northwest swale. So I thought I'd check this out... If it was grassed it might, at least, not be muddy like a dirt trail would be.

They WERE, in fact, really nice to ride. And, unlike the grassy areas of Chief Whitecap park, not nearly so bumpy as I'd imagined.

Spotted this colourful critter when I stopped to adjust my jacket - which was strapped to my seat bag and had come loose and started rubbing on my tire.

Trail through the swale.

It was super quite out there - despite some very busy roadways surrounding it on all sides!


A lovely ride.

The forecast for the week was looking rather daunting, so I thought today was a good day to get a longer ride in - as I might not be able to - at least without getting soaked - for the rest of the week. 

In the evening...

Finnegan was playing in his semi-monthly D&D game that he PLAYS in (the other two games he's the DM)

While he was doing that Keira actually suggested WE play a game and said she'd like to play Ingenious!

I don't LOVE the game... but it's been a while, so I figured "why not?"

I lost.

Like, by a lot...


Afterwards, Amanda and I played game of Azul.

I lost that one, too.

Also by a LOT!

I don't mind playing it, though, because it has pretty tiles. and it's fun.

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Wednesday is Work-In-Progress Wednesday at the Hunters of the Warp (local 40K group) so I took pics of the desk. I like W-I-P Wednesday. It gives me an excuse to tidy up the desk a bit and take a look at what I'm doing and wonder what the hell I'm doing!?

Yeah... this is "tidy"...

I've posted pictures of the completed Thunderbolts and XV86 Battlesuit, so I won't post those... but there is a lot of Chaos (like, miniatures) still on the desk, lurking behind them - Emperor's Children Space Marines and Cultists for Blackstone Fortress!

The whole work area needs a bit of a tidy-up!

I didn't really leave the house on Wednesday - it was pouring rain all day...

Friday, 19 June 2020

Out and about again - went for two rides. One with Amanda in the morning - short loop to the south bridge and then up to broadway, where I left her and she went to the dentist.

While on that ride I spotted this bird - at first I thought it might be heron... but I'm not so sure now...? Any ideas?

Also spotted a pair of Pelicans - which are pretty common along the river, but usually they're up by the weir - rarely see them this south.

Almost as soon as I got home, I was heading out again with Keira to make our first trip to the library in, like, for-EVAR!? I gotta tell you she was SO EXCITED!! The library withdraws has been the hardest thing for her in the whole pandemic!

More fuzzy goslings downtown..

As Friday evening is now "Family Game Night" we sat down to play "Railways of North America" (which is really Railways of CANADA!?)

Keira and I TIED for first with 82 points each! But she had $82000 and I only had $74000.... so... she won... so close!

Saturday, 20 June 2020

In the morning I picked up Warhammer Quest Blackstone Fortress: Dark Alliance and the new Psychic Awakening book - War of the Spider (and... um... the new Fabius Bile miniature...)

In the afternoon Finnegan ran his D&D game...

And in the evening I ran Wrath & Glory. We started out on Roll20... but while I could see and hear everyone... and they could all see and hear me... no one else could see or hear each other!? We reset and then woody and I could see and hear each other and Jonathan and Chris could see and hear each other... but no one else... Kept trying to restart and reset and screw around with things, but nothing seemed to work... so we set up a Webex meeting in one window and kept roll20 open in the other to use the character sheets and dice rolling app and the map I'd uploaded!

Once we got things sorted out we all had a pretty great time. Some investigating happened. There was a stake out. There was a brief combat with some servitor body-snatchers. They broke into the building they suspect the baddies are working out of.

Monday, 22 June 2020

Monday is Blackstone Fortress night! But it also kind of ended up being Work Late Night and Make Pie Night and so we got started a little late...

We kicked off the new quest this evening - the Quest for the Ritual Chamber - which was included in the Traitor Command expansion. So we really only got through ONE Exploration card - and AMBUSH! And then we called it a night. Looking forward at the things coming up this week, I put it all away until next Monday. Seems like I spent more time setting it up and putting it all away than playing... which was a bit of a let down...

Didn't even get to see the Traitor Commissar or Chaos Ogryn.... or gain any of the dataslates we are required to collect up (like "Clues" or "Ambul Spoor" in the previous quests) to find our way to the Ritual Chamber... ah well...

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Not sure if I'm going to write up this evening's game as a game report... it was pretty short... maybe I will...

Sometime this week Will be a bit of a look back at 2020-Q2 and some planning for Q3

Painting...? More Blackstone Fortress stuff? Excalation Explorers or Cultists? the Zoat from Dark Alliance!? or maybe the Ork Dakkajets from Aeronautica Imperialis? Or FABIUS BILE!!!?


  1. That mystery bird might be a cormorant. Wikipedia says that the double-crested cormorant is native to Saskatchewan:

    I had no idea that cormorants would be found in the Canadian interior. The things you learn...

    1. We definitely get cormorants around here - just not normally at this time of year. I have seen herons around this time of year, which is why I thought, at first, that this might be one. But looking at the blown up photo, I have to agree - probably a cormorant.

    2. There's a lot of unusual wildlife sightings happening in the Age of Covid. Maybe this is one of them?
