Sunday, July 12, 2020

Death Guard Detachment

After The Signal and Rise Up! Campaigns are completed, we are planning another short campaign that will take place on a Daemon World in the Eye of Terror. Daemon Prince Darfongdong is inviting four champions - Heretic Space Marines from four different Renegade Chapters, representing the four Gods of Chaos; Khorne, Tzeentch, Slaanesh and Nurgle.

Each Force is to have one Champion - a headquarters character that would be the players champion/warlord that will lead their force through the trials. No named characters, no Daemons or Daemon Princes... They are allowed to bring along a small retinue of followers - maximum 25 Power Level - in a Patrol Detachment.

I, of course, have the Emperors Children, representing Slaanesh. Oliver has World Eaters, representing Khorne. Ian Is putting together a small force of Thousands Sons - just for this campaign - who pledge their allegiance to Tzeentch! And that leaves Nurgle... and the Death Guard... Conveniently, I happen to have a small collection of older metal Plague Marines - that could be the core of a force that Finnegan could use... But what to use for a champion....?

Then I remembered I also had a spare Chaos Space Marine Captain in Terminator Armour! Sure, he's not one of those fancy-schmancy new Death Guard characters, like thePlague Marine Champion, or the Biologus Putrifier, or the Foul Blightspawn, or whatever... but he actually matches the Plague Marines that I actually HAVE so... Kind of works out!

Death Guard Lord in Terminator armour.

Finnegan has named this guy Slugbottom the Vile, Belcher of Woes, Duke of Downright Dirtiness, Prince of Decay, and an overall Cool Dude.

I cranked him out at breakneck speed using, mostly, Contrast® Paints! And, y'know... I don't think he looks half bad, considering...

while I was at it, I finished up the last of these older Plague Marines!

The entire Death Guard force.

I have enough here to field a pretty big Patrol Detachment. I'd need another HQ element to be able to field it as a Battalion - though, in 9th edition, there is no really NEED to try and field it as a Battalion as there is no Command Point benefit to doing so! It would only be if I wanted to field these in a larger number of smaller squads.

Death Guard Patrol Detachment (CP Cost: 2, Command Bonus: +2 CP)

Slugbottom the Vile - Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour - PR6

Plague Marines (10) - PR11
Plague Marines (10) - PR11
Plague Marines (10) - PR11

Power Level: 39

For this campaign, however, we are limited to 25 Power Level, so this is how that's probably going to look...

Slugbottom the Vile and his retinue for our Daemon World Championship campaign.

Death Guard Patrol
Death Guard Patrol Detachment (CP Cost: 2, Command Bonus: +2 CP)

Slugbottom the Vile - Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour - PR6

Plague Marines (5) - PR6
Plague Marines (5) - PR6
Plague Marines (5) - PR6

Power Level: 24

I got wondering, though, if there was someway to make it 25 Power, exactly. By putting the Plague Marines into two squads of seven (the Number of Nurgle!) that comes to 16, plus the Champion at 6, leaves 3 which is exactly what a squad of either Cultists or Poxwalkers is!

Initially I was thinking Cultists, and could possibly use my Chemical Commies - Cold War Soviets in NBCD Suits!? There are even Heavy Stubber or Flamer options there! I feel like I'd probably need to rebase them to fit with the others, though... so...

I don't have nearly enough Necromunda Scavvies to use as a squad of Cultists - though I wish I DID! I DO, however, have enough old Necromunda plague zombies that could possibly be fielded as Pox Walkers...?

So, alternatively, the force could be fielded as follows...

Death Guard Patrol
Death Guard Patrol Detachment (CP Cost: 2, Command Bonus: +2 CP)

Slugbottom the Vile - Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour - PR6

Plague Marines (7) - PR8
Plague Marines (7) - PR8
Chaos Cultist (10) - PR3

Power Level: 25

You DOOM has Cometh!

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Tomorrow Da Boyz are coming by again for Round Three of the Rise Up! Campaign, So I'll probably have a game report for that later in the evening or the following day.

I have a few other things that I'll probably finish up painting this evening or tomorrow that I'll be posting presently.

Later in the week (Thursday), Finnegan and I are planning on forging ahead with Game Three of The Signal Campaign.

The boardgame played has slowed since the early days of isolation... (as have the bike rides!?)... so I'm not sure if I'll be posting a part one and part two of July's games... or just a look back at the whole month in a couple weeks...? Probably the latter, considering the game reports I'll be working on.


  1. Great looking terminator and plague marines, Tim.

  2. Looking brilliant as always, and I love old school Death Guard since they were my first proper army! FYI I read the Chaos Lord's name as "Slugbot Tom", which I rather like too :P

    1. Ha! Slogbot Tom totally works! Perhaps that's what I'll call him when this campaign is over and he reverts to my own personal usage!


  3. I've been Googling, it is good to see some old Plague Marines and Chaos Space Marines. I am back playing and to me a new model apparently came out 14 years or so ago.

    1. Ha! Thanks! I jumped back in at 8th edition after nearly a 20 year hiatus. Some of the new plastic stuff is amazing... but I have a nostalgic soft spot for some of these old minis!
