Monday, July 13, 2020

Genestealer Cultist, Kroot Shaper, Inquisition Stormtroopers

An assortment of items rolling off the workbench this week...

(In addition to the Nugley-Death-Guard I posted yesterday!)

A Genestealer Cult Sanctus - a cult assassin that comes with Bio-Blade or Sniper Rifle options (I went with Sniper Rifle... but kind of wish I went with the blade...). The sanctus is one of the many new non-HQ-Elite Characters the Genestealer cult Can field. Finished this one up for use in our two Narrative Campaigns we got going on.

Kroot Shaper.

 I got him for Finnegan to kind of use as a leader for his Kroot. Technically he still needs a T'au to least them (like his T'au Commander! or an Etherial...) because the Sheer is a non-HQ character model. He just buffs nearby Kroot.

Inquisition Stormtrooper Kill Team.

I had a few spare Stormtroopers that didn't fit into a full squad of five, so I thought I could field them as "acolytes" in an Inquisition Detachment. These would be part of Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor Lady Marlaena du Shard's retinue. All in black, ready to strike out of the darkness and whisk their quarry away to the Black Ships in the middle of the night...

The new inquisition rules in Psychic Awakening: Pariah look pretty cool... although they aren't THAT much different from what they put in the White Dwarf last year... which wasn't THAT much different than what was in the Index when 8th edition came out... I mean, ALL of the Inquisitors followers are flavourless "Acolytes". Gone are the days of the varied Henchmen - The Sage, The Warrior, the Familiar, The Penitent, the Chirugeon, and the Acolyte... each with their own abilities and flavour...

I suppose I could just take a bunch of single Acolyte figures and give each of them bonus abilities (like those from Chapter Approved 2018 - like we're doing in our current narrative campaigns...).

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming blog:

Should be a game report later this evening or tomorrow - Game Three of the Rise Up! Campaign.


  1. Brilliant! They all look like great generic sci-fi figures, too. (the assassin looks good, but I'd probably lose his "partner" if possible - but that's just me)
