Wednesday, July 1, 2020

The Signal - a Short Narrative Campaign for Warhammer 40K

It started as a low buzz in the ears of every psyker on the planet. A low-level psychic tinnitus, but in a few short days it grew to a powerful astropathic signal emanating from deep in the bowels of Hive Secundus that caused all manner of disturbances and disorders and disabilities amongst the psychically attuned residents of the entire planet and all but entirely blocked out astropathic beyond the system!

Hive Secondus has long since been abandoned - since it fell to the Genestealer Cult of the Second Sons and was subsequently bombarded with nuclear devices. The cult was never entirely wiped out, surviving deep in the under hive. AS an extra precaution against the taint of the xenos spreading out, a wall has been constructed around the ruins' entire perimeter and regiments of the Necromunda PDF are always stationed there and maintain a constant vigil.

Attempts were made to summon Inquisitors of the Ordo Xenos and the Death Watch, but there was a concern that this phenomenon may pose an imminent threat and it was determined that an attempt needed to be made to deal with the situation immediately. All were certain it would get worse before the Inquisition or Death Watch could possibly hope to arrive!

The Campaign

Finnegan and I have been talking about playing a short narrative campaign set on Necromunda and involving the Imperial Fists - Detachment Xn3rd Squad, 2nd Platoon, B Company 5th Necromunda Regiment, and his Genestealer Cult. Originally the plan was to play this out using Kill Team, but after our recent game of Kill Team, I've kind of gone off the game and rethinking the campaign, I realized it was probably a bit larger in scope than could reasonably be handled by Kill Team anyway.

A large Imperium Kill Team/Strike Force will be sent into Hive Secondus to find the source of the Psychic signal and destroy it. What the Imperium forces starts with is all they get, there will be no reinforcements. If appropriate for the scenario, I may allow recovery rolls at the end of a scenario (probably a d6; 1 = dead, 2-3 = Seriously Wounded, 4-5 Lightly Wounded, 6 = okay - in this campaign seriously wounded would likely have to be left behind as time if of the essence - perhaps a further roll to see if they made it out on their own - or were able to stay hidden long enough to be recovered by others on the way out - assuming ANY survive! Lightly wounded may or may not have some sort of diminished capacity). So it is VITAL that the Imperial Player (me) try to get through the scenarios with minimal casualties.

The Genestealer cult forces are effectively limitless - there's a whole HIVE of them and will simply be recycled - some of the scenarios will even make use of the Endless Hordes rules (units that are wiped out simply return to the action from a specific table edge at the beginning of the next movement phase (or maybe they have to roll to come back on as reinforcements!?).

Yeah, its going to be TOUGH!

(Good thing the Deathwatch and Inquisition have been summoned - they may be required soon!)

(I better get PAINTING those Deathwatch minis Finnegan has in his drawer!)

I have six scenarios planned. For many, the outcome of the previous scenario will have some effect on the current scenario. I was originally thinking I might outline the scenarios here... but then decided NO SPOILERS! You'll find out what's going on as the After Action Reports are posted on the blog!

So Stay Tuned!

The Forces

Imperium Kill Team/Strike Force

The Kill Team - This is a LARGE Kill Team - or a small Strike Force - it includes elements of Detachment Xn - Imperial Fists and 2nd Platoon, B Company, 5th Necromundan Regiment.

Captain Rhogan - overall leader of the Force and commander of Imperial Fists Space Marine Detachment Xn

The Veteran Scouts of Detachment Xn - Imperial Fists

Lieutenant Duane Naismith - commander of 2nd Platoon, B Company, 5th Necromundan Regiment from which the Astra Militarum component was drawn.

Commissar Abba Biafra

Command Squad, 2nd Platoon, B Company, 5th Necromundan Regiment

3rd (Veteran) Squad, 2nd Platoon, B Company, 5th Necromundan Regiment

Astropath Synthia - One of the strongest Astropaths on the planet - strong enough to block out the signal in her mind (or, at the very least, seems to be the least affected by it compared to others available). She will be needed to lead the team to the psychic disturbance.

Techpriest Engineer 1FO-R-6ET - The Techpriest is being brought a long in hopes he may be able to open doors and operate elevators and possibly help shut down any amplifier being used to boost the psychic signal!

Second Sons Genestealer Cult 

We are using Finnegan's "Average Joes" as Second Sons for this campaign - and they will be reused.

The Whole force

Patriarch (this beastie will probably only show up in the final scenario - the "Boss Battle"!)



Neophyte Hybrids

Acolyte Hybrids


OTHER Purestrain Genestealers (from Space Hulk). Finnegan doesn't like including them as part of his Genestealer Cult force because they're painted a little differently than the Purestrain Genestealers that I painted for him (that came with the other Genestealer Cult miniatures he has from Deathwatch: Overkill) But I'm including them here because they will likely be used in a couple of the later scenarios!

None of these are named, as any that die will simply be recycled - some of the scenarios will even make use of the Endless Hordes rules (units that are wiped out simply return to the action from a specific table edge at the beginning of the next movement phase (or maybe they have to roll to come back on as reinforcements!?)

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

The Signal - Scenario One - A Chance Encounter! The Strike Team encounters a patrol of Genestealer Cultists in the Ash Wastes as they approach the ruins of Hive Secondus.


  1. Sounds tough! The genestealers cult looks great, as do the space hulk genestealers! I can't see a problem with them all together, it's just a bit of variation!
    Best Iain

    1. That was my feeling too - about variation and them fitting together... Ah, well...

      I didn't want to make it TOO easy - especially since I'm the one playing the Imperial Forces.

      THIS is the 40K gaming I'd like to do - except I'D like to be the one playing the antagonists - almost running it as a large Role-playing game with the Player(s) have a squad or two of desperate heroes wading through hordes of baddies. I mean, that's how I started out in 40K with the original Rogue Trader. (Though I do love me a bit of Apocalypse from time to time!)

      I won't go so far as to say I have "high hopes" for 9th edition, given that they are desperately cleaving to their fossilized you-go-i-go turns of play, but I am encouraged by the fact that they are actually planning for scaleable action and designing scenarios for various levels of play - rather than one-size-fits-all scenarios... that really only fit on 4'x6' tables with 1500-2000 points worth of stuff....

      One of Finnegan's friends also has a Genestealer Cult force he DESPERATELY wants to try out and I was trying to think of a second narrative campaign involving the two - but reframe it for them to be the protagonists. Like, they are forlorn rebels standing up against the heavy-handed, totalitarian Imperium and have to carry out some desperate missions to win the day and free the world from tyranny and pave the way for the coming of the Four-Armed Emperor!
