Tuesday, June 9, 2020

3rd Squad, 2nd Platoon, B Company, 5th Necromundan Regiment

I've been working on a few more Necromundan Guard for Kill Team. I finished up a few back in April. The rest, to be honest, were all actually painted a few weeks ago, I just haven't gotten around to finishing up this post...

The uniforms and insignia are largely inspired by the painting "The Scouring of Ralgor VII" by John Blanche that depicts elements of F Company of the 9th Necromundan Regiment (24th Imperial Army Corps). The artwork was published in White Dwarf (and, I'm sure other GW publications over the intervening years) and used to grace the original boxed set of plastic Imperial Guard (you can see it in the Previous Post) . I made a few modifications to accommodate newer guard figures (though, if you look close, you may spy a few guard here that include parts from that original box set of plastic guard!).

(Okay, I didn't paint the helmets silver... because that's just SILLY!)

The entire team - with loads of options. ALL of those special weapons could not be fielded in one Kill Team - nor could both Commanders.... well... at least not according to the RULES!?

The Kill Team is based around 3rd Squad, 2nd Platoon, B Company, 5th Necromundan Regiment, but  elements of the 5th and 6th (Special Weapon) Squads and the Platoon Command Squad can be temporarily attached, when needed.

Part of the reason for doing this was to use them in a campaign involving Detachment Xn - Imperial Fists Kill Team and some of Finnegan's Genestealer Cultists. So this is a new draft of the 5th Necromundans that haven't actually LEFT Necromunda just yet!

3rd Squad, 2nd Platoon, B Company
5th Necromundan Regiment

The Squad is slightly understrength - we could say it's due to attrition... in reality, it's because I just didn't have enough spare Guard with Lasguns... and I was too cheap to go out and buy another of those $12 boxes of five dudes...

Sgt. Stoen
Commander, 3rd Squad, 2nd Platoon, B Company, 5th Necromundan Regiment.
Sgt. Frank Stoen usually leads the Kill Team - when the Lieutenant or Commissar don't come along to personally lead the team. Stoen is from Hive Primus and joined the Guard to see the universe. Couldn't be worse than another 20 years working in the factotum.
Infantry Squad Guard Sergeant with Laspistol and Chainsword
Leader Specialist (Level 1)
Skill: Resourceful
5 points

Trooper Makew
Trooper Wilmar Makew needed to get out of town (Acropolis Hive) - he owed some pretty significant debts to some pretty shady characters from House Delaque and he figured they'd be coming to collect soon, so he volunteered for the guard hoping to get off planet before they'd figured out where he'd gotten to (as if they wouldn't know his every move!)!
Infantry Squad Guard with Lasgun, Frag Grenades, Vox-Caster
10 points

Trooper Erif
Trooper Zillia Erif's parents were fire fighters in hive central. She got to see lots of fires on bring-your-kid-to-work days... and she LIKED what she saw. As there is little call for people who like to START fires in civilian life, the Guard seemed the obvious choice.
Infantry Squad Guard with Flamer, Frag Grenades
Demolitions Specialist (Level 1)
Skill: Breacher
8 points

Trooper Bael
Trooper Bael was picked up by the enforcers for some petty crime - they gave him a choice of 20 years hard labour in the toxic wastes - building and repairing and maintaining the wall around Hive Secondus - or 20 years in the Guard. He figured he had a better chance of surviving a stint in the Guard...
Infantry Squad Guard with Lasgun and Frag Grenades
5 Points

Trooper Jonz
Jonz was just in the wrong place at the wrong time when the tithe collector came calling... He accepted his lot, however.
Infantry Squad Guard with Lasgun and Frag Grenades
5 Points

Trooper Pazqua
Trooper Pazqua's brother was killed in a gang fight in the underhive. The Ganger that killed him joined this draft of the Guard. Pazqua, worried the ganger might escape off world before Pazqua could avenge his brother, he joined up as well - willing to hound him to the end of the universe if he had to...
Infantry Squad Guard with Lasgun and Frag Grenades
5 Points

Trooper Rynd
Rynd is a true believer, and thought the best way she could serve her God Emperor was to help Him protect mankind by joining the guard. The rest of the squad tires of her ceaseless preachifying, but they do appreciate her utter loyalty and willingness to do anything for her squad mates.
Infantry Squad Guard with Lasgun and Frag Grenades
5 Points

5th (Special Weapon) Squad (Melta)

Elements of some of the Platoon's Special Weapon Squads are sometimes attached for specific missions. The Platoon's 5th (Special Weapon) Squad includes troopers armed with Melta Guns.

Orson the Orlock
Corporal Ganmeal Orson ran with an underhive gang for years. His favoured weapon was a Meltagun. He was pretty good with it too. Melted dust about every type of ganger you can imagine at one point or another. He tired of that, though, and thought he'd join up and see if he couldn't bag an alien before his number was up.
Special Weapons Squad Guard Gunner with Melta gun, Frag Grenades
8 points

Trooper Grean
Trooper Grean is actually a Spirer that signed up under an assumed identity. She was to be married to a horrid old man fifty years her senior and she figured she'd much rather die. Having heard the life expectancy of a soldier in the Astra Militarum was about 15 hours, she thought she'd give that a go...
Special Weapons Squad Guard Gunner with Melta gun, Frag Grenades
8 points

Trooper Velde
Trooper Velde Always dreamed of being in the Guard - since he was just a wee Juve. Now he's living the dream! He is SUPER PUMPED and is always trying to get his fellow guard just as enthusiastic about the coming mission.
Special Weapons Squad Guard Gunner with Melta gun, Frag Grenades
8 points

6th (Special Weapon) Squad (Flame)

The Platoon's 6th (Special Weapon) Squad includes troopers armed with Flamers.

Trooper Zalb
Trooper Ezekiel Zalb's older brother made it into the Imperial Fists... he never heard the end of it... so he joined the guard just to get away and prove he was a killer too!
Special Weapons Squad Guard Gunner with Flamer and Frag Grenades
8 points

Trooper Nrub
Trooper Shiela Nrub Was raised in House Cawdor. In House Cawdor all she looked forward to was being a baby factory for more radical redempionists. So she ran off to join the Guard.
Special Weapons Squad Guard Gunner with Flamer and Frag Grenades
8 points

Platoon Command Squad

Elements of 2nd Platoons Command Squad also accompany the Kill Team at times...


Commanders are weird. They can be bought AT specific levels, but then can't gain any experience through a campaign. EVER. They just drop in from time to time to lead the Kill Team and, I imagine, are usually of a higher level than the rest...? Here I've done the platoon commander at Level 1 - assuming he had a bit of experience in the PDF - but this is really their first assignment with a relatively newly raised regiment. The Commissar I've done at Level 2 - assuming he's been around a while and this is just a new assignment.

Commanding  2nd Platoon, B Company, 5th Necromundan Regiment is Lt. Naismith.

Duane Naismith led a privileged life in the spire, but when you're a seventeenth son of a (very) minor noble, eventually it's either the Militarum or the Ministorum... and Duane couldn't stand the idea of spending the rest of his life with a bunch of pious, preachifying Emperor-botherers...

Platoon Commander
Level 1 - Leadership Specialist
Skill: Symbol of Courage
Laspistol, Chainsword, Frag Grenades
11 points

Commissar Abba Biafra , the B Company Commissar, is often lurking about and seconding members of 2nd Platoon, B Company, 5th Necromundan Regiment to form Kill Teams for specific missions.

There has been considerable tension between the Commissariat and the troopers of the 5th Necromundans. This has stemmed from the recent execution of the entire 7th platoon of F Company. The platoon was executed after their Company Commissar was killed by a frag grenade while operating with the 7th Platoon. Platoon members claim it was a sneaky Ork Kommando that threw the grenade, but the Commissariat concluded that it was likely a revenge killing after the commissar in question executed a well-liked member of the platoon a week earlier for forgetting where his copy of An Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer was (and even if it WAS an Ork Kommando that killed the Commissar, the platoon should have protected their commissar - or at the very least killed the Ork and thus been able to show SOME evidence of their claim!). The Lord Commissar of the Regiment, however, has since decreed that the Company Commissars are to be a little more proactive in their instilling of morale and lead by example - hence Commissar Biafra suddenly leading small Kill Teams out on special missions.

Level 2 - Leadership Specialist
Skills: Symbol of Courage, Inspiring
Power Fist, Chainsword, Bolt Pistol
20 points

Other Regular Troopers

Colour Sergeant Borain
Colour Sergeant Borain claims to have served 20 years with the Necromundan Guard... He might just be getting old, though, and confusing the Guard with the PDF... Yeah, he probably served that with the PDF...
Infantry Squad Guard Sergeant with Laspistol and Power Sword
Veteran Specialist (Level 1)
Skill: Grizzled
5 points

Trooper Pierce - Platoon Medic
Trooper Hayley Piece wanted to be a Chiurgeon, but couldn't afford the schooling. A recruiter promised her she could be a Medic in the Guard and it would be pretty much the same thing... and she believed him...
(So, here's something weird... a Medic in Kill Team is just a regular trooper that you assign a specialism to... So in Kill Team a Guard Medic would have their regular old Lasgun and presumably be issued a (FREE!) medkit. In regular 40K there ARE actual Medics in an Imperial Guard army (not so much in others - except maybe Marines...?). They're part of a command squad and they are equipped differently - they get a Laspistol and a medkit - and it's the medkit that actually costs extra points. No such equipment required here! I've given Trooper Pierce a Laspistol - as they would in a regular 40K force - I don't think any opponent would ever complain - same points, same stats - except shorter range...)
Guard with Laspistol, Frag Grenades
Medic Specialist (Level 1)
Skill: Reassuring
5 points

Trooper Darad
Originally from House Van Saar, Trooper Wendy Darad is pretty good with technical repair - for someone who is not actually a techpriest (which occasionally angers the regiment's compliment of Mechanicum). She also knows how to lay down some sick beats on the Vox-Caster and get the troops PUMPED for action...
Guard with Voxcaster, Lasgun, Frag Grenades
Comms Specialist (Level 1)
Skill: Rousing Transmission
10 points

Trooper DuFlarn
Trooper Sadiq DuFlarn originally wanted to be a tech priest, but he was thrown out of the Mechanicus Seminary because of a penchant for wrecking things - the mechanicus is about MAKING and FIXING things, they told him, and suggested maybe he try the Guard...
Infantry Squad Guard Gunner with Plasma gun and Frag Grenades
Demolitions Specialist (Level 1)
Skill: Breacher
8 points

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

I've been painting up Finnegan's Genestealer cultists over the last few days... for... reasons...


  1. I love your painting style on these guys. Superb flags!

    1. Thanks Jonathan! The flag was WAY easier to paint that it probably looks - it's part of the plastic miniature and, tough you probably can't quite tell, ALL the details are slightly raised above the surface of the flag - so it's essentially a paint-by-numbers flag - no more difficult than any of the other details on the miniature. It did take some time - with all those colours - and then highlighting each colour - but it does look rather striking, if I do say so myself!

  2. I would have thought that Trooper Darad would have been a communications specialist, with those nice antenna thingies on her back.

    These are nicely done and I especially like how they work with the bases.

    1. Thanks!

      She is...? Comms Specialist = Communications Specialist (You had me worried there, I though maybe I'd copied and pasted wrong and had her listed as a Leader Specialist or something!?) The comment about being good at technical repair and "laying down sick beats" I thought kind of went along with being a Comms Specialist. (I DID notice I forgot to enter her Skill when I went to check - so thank you for that!) The Level One Comms Specialist Tactic is "Rousing Transmission" that is used int eh Morale Phase and gives a bonus to nerve tests and I thought said transmission could be, like, the 40th Millennium equivalent of dubstep or something...?

      (Also, the name, Wendy Darad, was supposed to be nods both at Radar o'Reilly and Wendy Carlos)

  3. Splendid start to your new guard army! I know, I know your not starting another, unless a marvellous deal comes along and you get loads of old guard figures! The original plastics box is the basis of my guards army,I think I still have it somewhere, nice camo pattern and I totally agree about the silver helmets!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain!

      I still have Valhallans and Tallarn to finish painting!

      Ive been good, hardly bought anything recently! Over half of this year's acquisitions were thing people just gave to me - and other than the last two Blackstone Fortress expansions (which Include a total of THREE ministers) I have no other plans to pick up anything...
