Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Finnegan's Genestealer Cult

I haven't felt much like painting this last week or so... Usually when I don't feel much like painting, I try to keep myself active with things like prepping and priming and basing - which is still DOING SOMETHING (hobby-wise), but requires a bit less focus and mental energy... the only problem is, I do't HAVE anything needing prepping or priming or basing!? It's all done - or at least any of the stuff I even remotely care about.

So I was casting about for something EASY and I decided to knock off the rest of Finnnegan's Genestealer Cult miniatures (I DID check with HIM to see if this was okay). I picked these to do because... well... they're dead easy and quick to do with Contrast®™Paints! I've pretty much painted all of his Genestealer cultists, the Magos, and the Patriarch.... not to mention the Space Hulk Genestealers... Oh, and a Genestealer Kill Team, which I then gave to him...

I had a little idea of a short Kill Team (or possibly New40K) campaign involving his Genestealer Cultists and Detachment Xn and the Necromundan Guard I've been working on.

This is what I finished up over the last few days.

They're not the prettiest, but they're done - and even as they are they are a MILLION TIMES better than playing with bare plastic!

Finnegan's happy with them as they're better than he would have done and he wouldn't have painted them anyway because he hates painting and now he has some painted minis to play with (should he feel the urge) and I have some more painted opponents to play against (should he feel the urge!). Seems like wins all around to me!

Here are ALL of the Genestealer Cultists. I think this is ALL the stuff he has - nothing more to paint... and I don't imagine he's going to be adding anything new any time soon (considering he hasn't showed much interest in 40K these days - and even less interest in painting... anything... ever!).

Actually since showing him these, he's been pretty excited about playing with them. I think part of his disinterest in 40K over the last year has been the psychological weight of all these unpainted miniatures having over him... Feeling like he HAS to paint them, but being totally uninterested in doing so.

Now that they've been painted for him, he's suddenly interested in playing with me again.

Adding in the Genestealers from the Space Hulk and the Kill Team I put together and suddenly he has a pretty sizeable force.

He also has a whole Battalion Detachment of Imperial Guard that I forgot about when I was taking pictures. He can add them in as a corrupted allied force... Damn, we going to have some big infantry battles to try out the #New40K!

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Still not really feeling the urge to paint any of MY OWN things... It is a refreshing change of pace to blast through a bunch of stuff and not feel the pressure to paint them... y'know... really well... or at least as good as I can. There was a large batch of Kroot I'd started to paint WITH him at one point, and we never got to finishing... maybe I should just finish those off for him...? And then some more of his T'au....?


  1. I'm pretty much the opposite of you right how. Now that I'm finished my 2mm terrain board, I'm stoked to move onto my next project. So much so that I've spent the last couple of nights working on it. It's also involves something I've never done before: conversions using magnets. I bought 300 3mm x 1mm ones for $15CDN and they've been working out great so far. I should post something soon about it.

  2. I've just realized what I found unsettling about that last group shot. You have the fleshy reddish pink of Finnegan's minis surrounded by the mauve lavender and teal of yours, and what should be the colours of a spectacular flower hides some pretty gruesome looking figures. If your aim was to ambush creep people out, you succeeded.

    1. MWA-HA-HA-Ha-Ha-ha-ha-haaaaaaaa.....

      You figured me out!

      No not really... I was just too lazy to rearrange the entire lot so I just added the older Genestealers around the edges...

  3. Great looking cultists, it's what contrast paints are designed for I guess! Even better if your son now feels like a game,I'm not painting figures at the moment, just prepping and a bit of terrain, all good!
    Best Iain

    1. Cheers! Yeah, I think this is EXACTLY what Contrast® Paints are for - getting hordes tabletop ready in a hurry! You still need some skill to use them though. I think some people were under the impression (including ME!?) that they'd be good for beginners, but I'm feeling like that might not be the case the more that I use them.
