Thursday, August 6, 2020

Daemon World Challenge

This month I am hosting a short campaign set on a Daemon World! 

Daemonworld Challenge

Daemon Prince Garfongdong invites four champions of chaos and their followers to the Daemonworld of Gorma’Sh’Muf’Kt’Itz. Each from a different renegade legion that pays homage to each of the four chaos gods. There they will face six challenges to determine who is best – and which god is the mightiest. 

The Prize for such a contest? Rulership over their own Daemonworld!!!

(Before you go thinking this is any great thing, you should probably know that before Becoming a Marine and later a Daemon, the person that ultimately becamse Garfongdong (his original name being lost to the warp) was originally a real estate broker and continues these debased habits as a Daemon – and in fact carries them to the extremes of excess, as one does as a Daemon Prince of Slaanesh. Daemonworld Gorma’Sh’Muf’Kt’Itz  is just one of many, MANY planetoidal properties that Daemon Prince Garfongdong currently claims title to, and giving this away to the champion that “wins” this challenge, is like… giving up some Florida property that you discover you ended up swindled into with in a bad deal made during a night of excessive drinking in Atlantic City... and turns out to be a swamp... but not just any swamp.... a swamp that the government is demanding immediate multi-million dollar remediation of, due to decades of medical waste being dumped on it – oh, and it’s infested with GIANT MUTANT ALLIGATORS that have been eating all that medical waste… I digress…)

The four Champions are:

Representing the Death Guard, who serve the god Nurgle, is Chaos Lord Slugbottom the Vile, Belcher of Woes, Duke of Downright Dirtiness, Prince of Decay, and an overall Cool Dude - played by Finnegan. 

Representing the Thousand Sons, who serve the God Tzeentch, is Exalted Sorcerer Largemind the Slightly Knowing, the Seer of Nothing, Utmost Follower (and Interpreter) of the Great Plan, and the Guy who Accidentally Murdered Joe the Innocent Chaos Marine - played by Ian. 

Representing the World Eaters, who serve the god Khorne, is Warpsmith Ingot The Steel Chain, Disparager of Titles played by Oliver. 

Representing the Emperor’s Children, who serve the God Slaanesh, is Chaos Lord Felzik the Immoderate, Prince of Profligacy, Legatus of Lavishness, Evangelist of Exorbitance, Diwan of Decadence, Imam of Intemperance, Oligarch of Ostentatiousness, Viceroy of Vulgarity, Earl of Excess, Hetman of Hedonism, Vicar of Vice, Ayatollah of Amplification - played by ME!  

Each will build a Crusade Force as per the regular rules, with the following exceptions:
-25 Power Level (instead of 50)
-No Named Characters, No Daemon Princes
-Must Have the Heretic Astartes keyword along with [Legion] and [Mark of Chaos] and that [Mark of Chaos] must be used to declare a chaos god that the Warlord owes allegiance.   
-As the Power Leve is 25 and most games will be Combat Patrols the force will need to conform to the requirements of a Patrol Detachment. 
-Only 2 Requisition Points to start – which can be used to give the Warlord a Warlord Trait and a Relic to some character. 

I will do a separate post about the Champions and their retinues - when everyone's settled on them (and I can get pictures!) 

There will be SIX games in total (the number of Slaanesh). I'm still working those out, but most will be based on the narrative scenarios in Warhammer 40,000 (9th Edition) and some may include additional hostiles controlled by an AI.

The winner will be probably be the one with the most combined victory points…? Or maybe it will be the one with the combined victory point total with the most 6s in it... I guess I'll have to decide by Friday - when we will be playing our first game. 

I've  been building some new terrain for it - starting with a Daemon World game board. The Board is approximately 4'x4' (120cmx120cm, actually).

Working on it out in the yard!

From above - it is a SLAANESHI Daemon World! 

View of the planet's surface... Soon it will be populated with battling Renegade Marines and strange alien terrain! 

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog: 

MOAR Daemon World Stuff!!

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