Monday, August 3, 2020

RPGaDay2020 - Day Three - Thread

I got to admit, I don’t love some of these prompts. I kind of preferred the straightforward questions of previous years… 



While a one-shot adventure or a one-off miniature battle can be fun, I do always prefer campaigns – whether for tabletop miniature games or role-playing games – some method to THREAD those adventures or battles together into some sort of narrative - preferably where the outcome of one has an effect on the others that follow… Whether there are formal rules for campaigning or simply a “what happens next” method of determining where the narrative goes. 

I guess while I'm on that subject. One of this week's distractions has been some serious thinking and planning and stocktaking and reorganizing for an English Civil War campaign - probably to take place in the new year - using Pikeman's Lament to play out the tabletop battles and a campaign system heavily inspired by the old Mighty Empires system from Games Workshop (circa 1990). 

The campaign will take place over 3 years and involve some isolated communities on the border between Scotland and England. There will be 6 participants (as I should be able to cobble together six different armies - 4 English, 2 Scots). I'm not 100% settled on who will play in it, but I'm leaning towards having players NOT from Saskatoon playing the role of the local lords (each of which has raised a company for the defence of their lands) -  they will be doing all of their role-playing online sending messages and proclamations to other players and then submitting their moves to me once a week. 

I've done similar with Hordes of the Things campaigns - except those campaign years had three campaigning seasons, and then winter season where no campaigning took place. I'll probably have 6 turns in the campaign year (monthly turns) and then a winter turn - so it will take about 2 months to play out a year of the campaign. Half the year to play out a three full years. 

Stay tuned for more about this - an more RPG-a-Day 2020!

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

MORE RPG-a-Day 2020... 

My painting may be somewhat disrupted over the next month as my permanent painting station will have to be taken down and shifted out of the way to permit renovations that are actually, finally happening!? 

We will likely be kicking off the Daemon World Challenge later this week or earlier next week - so there will be some game reports... and before that a post ABOUT the campaign... and maybe some pics of some of the new terrain I'm planning to build this week! 


  1. I believe Murdock in BC has a few people he does English Civil war stuff with. He's a big fan of wargames with players issuing orders to their troops.

  2. I'd love to be part of an ECW campaign like this. My only concern is that I'm now looking for work and that introduces a whole lot of uncertainty.

    1. I will definitely keep you in mind.

      NOTHING is certain right now. I hope your search for work finds you something new and interesting and fulfilling to do!
