Tuesday, October 20, 2020

October - Act Two

The (Canadian) Thanksgiving Long Weekend wasn't anything special this year. I only went over to my folks on the Sunday to help them prepare for moving later in the week. On the Tuesday, I was over at their place again to help start with the moving - as the new place was available a couple days early. Just as we were leaving to get a second load I crushed the tip of my left middle finger between the sections of a steel overhead door as it closed... and that pretty much ended the usefulness of me for the rest of this move. Lucikly my folks had a BUNCH of friends that were willing to help out and my sister and they'd hired professional movers for the bulk of it (the loads we took over were mostly fragile things they didn't trust to the movers!). 

I apologize to anyone that left comments on the last few posts that I didn't respond to. I do appreciate all the comments, and would have liked to respond to them - especially those on the last one - but typing has been... challenging... So, there will likely be minimal commentary with this post as well. 

On the holiday Monday, Amanda and I got in a game of Century: Golem Edition - Eastern Mountains. My concern about her catching on and me never winning again was, perhaps a bit... presumptuous..? I won 85-73 and that's AFTER we realized over halfway through the game that Amanda was only paying one gem to place a trading post on locations where I already had one (you're supposed to pay TWO gems, in a two-player game). 

Saturday was Role-Playing Game night which EVERYONE BUT CHRIS bailed on at the last minute. So I recruited Finnegan, once again, to finish off the short Fate Accelerated game I'd started the week before. 

This week we made use of maps and tokens I'd drawn and uploaded to Roll20

You can see better pictures of all the original illustrations over on the ART BLOG

Last night Amanda and I played a quick game of Azul. I was surprised to discover we haven't played this since June - we played it a LOT in the spring after Amanda got it for her birthday, and then... sort of just stopped. 

I have been keeping up with the drawing, but the recent work is all posted over on the Art Blog. Likewise, some bicycle riding has happened... despite difficulties with crushed finger... there is a brief report of rides over on the Bike Blog... 

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

October - Act Three - the last eleven days of October 2020... 


  1. I had wondered whether something happened to you. It's unusual for you to go that many days without posting anything. I hope the finger is well on the mend because I like to check in frequently to see what is happening in the world of Tim.

    1. Yeah, not dead yet!
      When do you move?
      It just started snowing here - Ican't even fathom a cross-country move in winter!?

    2. We were planning to move at the end of this month, but my recent health issue has pushed the move back to the end of next month. It's very frustrating when the doctors don't know exactly what the problem is.

      Yes, moving in winter in Canada is not anyone's version of fun, but we sold our house and we need to go somewhere. I suppose it could be worse; we could be doing the move in January.

      BTW, I'm really liking your drawings, particularly the ones from real life. Your thumb studies do a very nice job of conveying the pain. There's a couple of artists that remind me of your work but I'm drawing a blank right now on their names. The one name that does come to me is Chaim Soutine (this one at the Albright-Knox in particular, which I have seen He worked in thick oil paints usually, but for some reason you paint style reminds me of him despite it being completely opposite in terms of media.

  2. Yikes! I hope your finger doesn't hurt too much and heals quickly. Just hearing about it makes me cringe in empathy.

    1. thanks! it doesn't HURT much at all - just when I touch something or something bumps or nudges the end of the finger. It's pretty well-protected in the new splint I got the other day. It's more... irritated...? If that makes sense - occasionally itchy... occasional dull ache...

  3. Good luck with your finger recovery, sounds nasty!
    Best Iain
