Friday, March 19, 2021

Frostgrave Warrior Wimyn!

 A pair of female warriors for Frostgrave I painted up for my friend John. I finished these last week sometime and was waiting to post them with some of the others I currently have on the workbench. Progress on those has been delayed by the arrival of Nightvault and me painting TWO Thorns of the Briar Queen warbands and finishing up Lady Harrow's Mournflight this past week. Finishing off the rest of the Frostgrave ladies will likely be further delayed by me painting ALL THE STORMCAST over the next week... or two... 

It has been a LONG TIME since I played Frostgrave - but I think these are a Templar (Two-Handed Weapon, Mail Armour) and a Knight (Hand Weapon, Shield, Mail Armour)? The miniatures are from North Star Miniatures. I really like them. I might have to get my own at some point! 

I have mixed feelings about the snow... It's definitely looking better than my first few attempts. But I still feel like it's almost a little TOO white! I don't know... it's growing on me... I wonder if just painting sand a really light blue-grey and drybrushing white might look better... I'll have to experiment. 

Looking forward to trying out Thorns of the Briar Queen tonight! Stay tuned for a game report over the weekend! 


  1. Maybe the white on the blue/grey base is a bit too much pure "coldness"? What if you were to apply a slight warm brown wash to the base and then also paint brown under where the snow will go. This will give a little warmth contrast to the cold of the snow.

    Not that you want too much warmth though. It is FROSTgrave.

    1. For me, I don't know if it's too much coldness. I WANT it to look cold. It's just that the White is SO WHITE. There is no definition to it - it just looks like a blob of white. The "Snow Flock" is rather translucent and when I first used it with just glue it just looked like a semi-translucent blob of... I don't know... like somebody spilled their 7-Up Slurpee on the miniature... I've since started blobbing on a mix of acrylic gel and white gesso to the base and then sprinkling the "snow flock" on that... Which looks better... but not great...? but just as I was reading your comment and starting to type this, I got thinking i should try adding just a touch of blue or something to it That would show through the powdery flock stuck to it...? Maybe...? I don't know. I'll give it a try on one figure.

    2. Yes, I think you might be onto something. Maybe just tint your gel and gesso a bit, not a solid mix of tint but have areas that are lighter and darker. You could do a thin wash of a mid-dark blue?

    3. The texture of the snow looks a little odd too. It's very bushy when it really should be a bit flatter in overall effect.

  2. I don't have a lot of experience with snow, so I can only say the minis look great to me!

  3. p.s. one thing I have heard to avoid is too much yellow.

  4. Very nice ;paint jobs and I think you are over thinking the snow - if it had fallen recently, it looks that white!

    1. Ha ha! Thanks! yeah, of course I'm totally overthinking it. I overthink EVERYTHING!?
