Thursday, March 18, 2021

Lady Harrow's Mournflight

 Lady Harrow's Mournflight is the second warband for Warhammer Underworlds that I've finished up this week. I actually started them BEFORE the Thorns of the Briar Queen, but had to set them aside to focus on other things. As I got going on the other etherial servants of Nagash, I figured there was enough similar in what was being painted to add them into the batch. 

(Well they also got shuffled off the bench because I was getting sick of them. I had started them thinking they'd be super easy to paint - but then after layers and layers of paint and wash and more paint and more wash and it STILL not looking like I hoped it would... I had to put them aside and hope that, with some distance, I might be able to lose some of the frustration and come back with a fresh set of eyes and paint and have a bit more success... They're still not how I envisioned them, in my mind's eye... but I don't HATE them as much... so I'm calling them all done now, so I can just play with them and move on to painting OTHER stuff!) 

Lady Harrow's Mournflight. 

The warband was part of Champions of Dreadfane - two warbands that  were originally included in Dreadfane - one of the Barnes & Noble Exclusive board games and re-released as part of the Beastgrave warbands. 

These Myrmourn Banshees were originally tasked by Nagash with hunting down intruders that entered the cursed city of Shadespire. They hunger for arcane energies and feed on magic. Apparently they pursued some quarry that managed to flee the mirrored city into Beastgrave. 

Lady Harrow

The Anguished One

The Screaming Maiden

Widow Caitha

Man... taking pictures of ghosts is hard... 

Curious to see how these play...? They seem marginally more deadly and a tad more durable than the Thorns of the Briar Queen... but with almost half the number...!? I have to admit, I haven't even looked at their deck yet... Hopefully there's something good in there to keep them aline... or... er... undead...? Guess I better get to reading those! I'm hoping I'll get in a games Friday and Sunday. If so I'll try out the Thorns of the Briar Queen on Friday and Lady Harrow's Mournflight on Sunday. 

Not 100% sure what I'm going to paint next. If Amanda has her way it will be the basement game room! I SHOULD probably also finish up the HUGE batch of Frostgrave warriors on the painting desk...  As for which Warhammer Underworlds warband I'll be painting next, I'm kind of torn... I might just batch-paint ALL the Stormcast warbands. I think I have SIX stormcast warbands in total - all containing three warriors. Two are Steelheart's Champions (which I picked up at the same time I bought those two copies of Garrek's Reavers), one is Ironsoul's Condemnors (from Champions of Dreadfane), two are Stormsire’s Cursebreakers (from Nightvault - one for me, one for John) and the last... well... isn't technically a warhammer Underworlds warband... I mean... It IS the miniatures from The Farstriders - one of the Shadespire expansion warbands - that were re-released as Easy-to-Build Castigators (with Gryphhound)". I picked them up as they are members of the Sacrosanct Chamber and thought I could use them with the Sequitors of Ironsoul's Condemnors to form a Warcry warband.... 

Speaking of Warcry... Between Lady Harrow's Mournflight and the Thorns of the Briar Queen, I should be able to put together a Nighthaunt warband for Warcry! Woo!

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