Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Game Plan 2021 - Q2

Well with the end of March here, and with it the end of the First Quarter of the year, I thought it might be time to have a look back at the success (or lack of success?) of the Q1 Plan and figure out what I'm going to do for the next three months. 

Looking at the actual Game Plan 2021 - Q1 post, it seems like I had a lot of vague ideas with not much of a defined PLAN at all... a plan sort of coalesced over the first month or so... 


In the initial rambling about English Civil War, Deamons of Slaanesh, Emperor's Children Chaos Space Marines, Valhallan Imperial Guard force for 40K, Blackstone Fortress, Daughters of Khaine, Skaven, TITANIC Units for 40K, Necromunda, Great War, and the Seven Years War... by the time I'd organized the 2021 Painted Versus Purchased page, that got boiled down to: 

  • Finish Wrath & Rapture box (Infernal Enrapturess, Fiends, Bloodcrushers)
  • Warhammer Underworlds Warbands and Frostgrave Miniatures for John
  • Shadow & Pain Box (Daemons of Slaanesh, Daughters of Kahine)
  • Start Collecting Daemons of Slaanesh?
  • Other Warcry warbands? 

and... I did almost none of that... 

What I DID do was...

1x Bloodmaster, Herald of Khorne
1x Witch Aelf
1x Chaos Sorcerer
10x Tzeentch Horrors
5x Morgwaeth's Blad-Coven
4x The Dread Pageant
20x Khorne Bloodreavers
5x Khagra's Ravagers
4x Lady Harrow's Mournflight
7x Thorns of the Briar Queen
7x MOAR Thorns of the Briar Queen (for John)
2x Frostgrave Warrior Wimyn (for John)
4x The Chosen Axes (Shadespire Minis - for John)
5x Spiteclaw's Swarm (Shadespire Minis for John)
Q1 Total 28mm Foot: 76

In that same time, however, I acquired...

7x Grymwatch (Warhammer Underworlds Crypt Ghoul Warband)
6x Grashrak’s Ravagers (from Warhammer Underworlds: Beastgrave)
5x Skaeth’s Wild Hunt (from Warhammer Underworlds: Beastgrave)
4x Myari's Purifiers (from Warhammer Underworlds: Direchasm)
4x Dread Pageant (from Warhammer Underworlds: Direchasm)
8x Khorne Reavers (Garrek's Reavers x2)
15x Stormcast Eternals (mostly from Warhammer Underworlds Warbands)
1x Gryphhound
4x Khagra's Ravagers (Warhammer Underworlds Chaos Warband)
4x Nighthaunt Myrmourn Banshees (Lady Harrow's Mournflight)
5x Thundrik's Profiteers (Warhammer Underworlds Duardin Warband)
4x Ylthari's Guardians (Warhammer Underworlds Sylvaneth Warband)
4x Mathias variants (Hasslefree)
7x Thorns of the Briar Queen (Nightvault)
3x Morgok's Krushas
Q1 Total: 81

So I acquired a bit more than I painted. Unfortunately, a quarter of that painting was for someone else and didn't reduce MY pile of SHAME any.... MOST of that which I acquired was given in trade for said painting (and future painting).

Terrain and Other Hobby Projects

The plan for the First Quarter was to FINISH THE GAME ROOM!? 

It's... almost there....

5x5 Challenge

Originally I'd suggested I'd play five games each of a Role-Playing Game, a Miniature Skirmish Game, and Three Boardgames. Later I defined these to be:
  • Soulbound
  • Warcry
  • Warhammer Underworlds
  • London
  • Kingdom Builder

Later it became clear that I probably wasn't going to get in games of Warcry, as I was getting pretty obsessed with Warhammer Underworlds, but it didn't really matter as I was probably going to get in TEN (or MORE!?) games of Warhammer Underworlds. I thought Soulbound was going to be easy as I'd be running it EVERY weekend through February and March... but I had to cancel that.. for... reasons... I DO hope to return to that (and Wrath & Glory) later this year...

What I DID play in Q1:
  • Warhammer Underworlds: Direchasm/Nightvault x12
  • Kingdom Builderx 8
  • London x5
  • Azul x5
  • HârnMaster (3rd Edition) x3
  • Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound x3
  • Carcassonne Big Box 2 x1
  • Dominion x1
  • Splendor x1

In total 40 games.

I didn't get in five games of Soulbound... but between Harn and Soulbound I did play six role-playing games... As mentioned Warhammer underworlds kind of ended up being two of the five - replacing Warcry. I did get in five of London and EIGHT of Kingdom Builder and then a bunch of other games, besides?!

For me, the idea behind the 5x5 Quarterly Challenge (or 10x10 Annual Challenges) is to set out a number of games to play a bunch of times - too get to really plan then and learn them thoroughly. IN that, I'd call this quarter a success...

Q2 Plan

So.... the plan... 


I have started painting miniatures again - so that's good. Not PILES, but it's a start, right? Generally I would like to get back in the black - painting MORE than I'm acquiring. I don't have TOO many things I'm planning on picking up anytime soon, so that shouldn't be TOO hard. A few things I will likely pick up in Q2:

Crimson Court - Warhammer Underworlds Warband (+4)
Unnamed Idoneth Deepkin warband for Warhammer Underworlds (+??)
Warhammer Quest: Cursed City (+60 miniautres!) 
Maybe the Wurmspat, Hrothgorn's Mantrappers, and the Starblood Stalkers warbands...? 

What am I going to paint? 

Well, the Crimson Court will be released in a week and a half and for the forseeable future I will be focused on that - probably for the rest of the Quarter, at the rate I'm going! 

BEFORE that, I hope to finish up a few other things. First, the five of the Stormcast Eternal warbands I'm currently working on - they're just about done! Probably Morgok's Krushas and maybe one other Warhammer Underworlds warband...? Myari's Purifiers? Maybe the Grymwatch? 

WHILE painting all of those Cursed City miniatures, I'll be trying to finish up some more of John's Frostgrave minatures. 

I have no shortage of other stuff I'd like to paint... But, realistically, that's about all I can expect to get done. 

Terrain and Other Hobby Projects

The Game Room?! After a bit of a hiatus, I did get working on the Game Room this last week and hope to keep up that momentum to finish things up by the end of April. 

5x5 Challenge

For this quarter...? 

I have no idea when I'm going to get back to running a role-playing game. I think I need to stick to simple games that don't require much (or ANY!) planning and preparation (other than painting a few new miniatures, perhaps!). 

Obviously, Wahammer Underworlds is going to be at the top of that list... It could probably take TWO slots! Heck, the way we've been playing, I could just say I'm going to play 25 games of Warhammer Underworlds... the 5x5 Challenge could be I'm going to play five games with five different warbands!? 

Maybe Warhammer Quest: Cursed City could be thrown into the mix? I mean, I probably don't have to paint ALL of the stuff to get STARTED with playing, right? I could start with getting enough done in April that we could conceivably start playing in May and/or June? 

I was thinking I might get a game for Amanda for her birthday in a few weeks. Whatever that is, should probably go on the list. I was thinking about Wingspan or Sagrada...? I've heard their names and know they're popular and one has pretty dice and the other has pretty pictures of birds... but that's about all I know about them. Does anyone have any experience at playing them? Do they rock? Do they suck? Does anyone have any OTHER suggestions? She really likes Azul and the Century Golem Edition games and Splendor - stuff that doesn't take much time or preparation with pretty pieces... but ALSO really likes Terraforming Mars...!? 

(Cursed City will be arriving a week before her birthday... but I think she'd be unimpressed if I called THAT her birthday present - though she is totally happy to PLAY those with me... I think she'd definitely see it as a Tim-kind-of-game rather than an Amanda-kind-of-game... if that makes sense?)

So for now... lets say...

  • Warhammer Underworlds
  • MORE Warhammer Underworlds
  • Warhammer Quest: Cursed City
  • Amanda's New (TBD) Board Game
  • Some Other Game(s)

I put (S) at the end of the last as I'm open to the idea of a theme or series of games - like "Games By Martin Wallace That We Haven't Played (in a while)" - which could include, say, Brass, Princes of the Renaissance, Via Nebula, Hit Z Road, or The Arrival (I've played Brass and Princes of the Renaissance, but Amanda hasn't - and we have the other three, but haven't gotten around to trying them out!?) 


  1. Pretty solid (and amazing) plan!

    Wingspan is an engine builder heavily themed on birds. We got it for Christmas, and it is easy enough for my family to pick up, so probably a bit light for you. If she likes birds at all, it might be a good game though, the art is amazing.

    1. Thanks!

      She loves birds. That's why I was thinking about it.

  2. I miss having my own hobby space where I can leave unfinished projects in place until I can get back to them. So my advice is to not have an ambitious painting plan but to instead concentrate on finishing your hobby room. I think you'll be far more productive in a more permanent location. You could also indulge your artistic side by maybe doing a mural on one wall? You put a lot of effort into learning painting so maybe try something on a more grand scale?

    But you also have to enjoy things, so...

    1. Ha! Thanks. This is all true.

      Part of the problem is, I DO have a little hobby space set up upstairs. Amanda thought it was important have I have a space throughout the renovation. So there isn't a LOT of motivation on that front.

      I have gotten working on it again and hope to keep up the momentum. "THE PLAN" is to paint this weekend... maybe work on the floors next week...? it SHOULD all be moved back in by the end of the month - just in time to seal the room up so we can press ahead with renovations on the OTHER half of the basement!?

      My painting station is going to remain upstairs for the foreseeable future. The GAME room is supposed to be just that - a GAME room - for storing and playing games. HOBBY space is, in theory, going to be in an entirely different room in the basement and its completeion is much further off and there isn't a LOT I can do about that as it requires busting up concrete and new water lines that the city is bringing in SOMETIME this summer...?
