Wednesday, March 31, 2021

March Games - Part The Second

 Carrying on from March Games Part One... 

Finished up the month (and Quarter) with a few more games... 

Friday, 19 March 2021

Friday evening Amanda and I played Warhammer Underworlds again. I tried out the freshly painted Thorns of the Briar Queen, and, as it was a warband that came from Nightvault, we tried out the Nightvault boards. 

A full report of that game and loads more pictures can be found here:

Warhammer Underworlds: Game Nine - Into the Nightvault

Saturday, 20 March 2021

On Saturday I met up with the Saturday Online RPG group again, but we've kind of put the games on hold - more than a few of us admitted to not really being in the headspace to either play or run RPGs at the moment -but have decided to keep meeting up for a "paint and chat". I painted gold on a whole lot of Space Marines Stormcast Eternals - most for Warhammer Underworlds, but alsoo a few extra to flesh forces out into Warcry Warbands or small groups for Age of Sigmar Skirmish. 

Sunday, 21 March 2021

Another Warhammer Underworlds game in Shadespire. Trying out another newly painted warband, I played Lady Harrow's Mournflight

Again, a full report of that game and loads more pictures can be found here:

Warhammer Underworlds: Game Ten - Return to Nightvault

Monday, 22 March 2021

After the last few games Amanda expressed that she was tired of the same old cards and how the games were playing out and suggested she might be interested in "having a look" at some of the generic cards. On Sunday evening I pointed out I had a White Dwarf magazine with a tactics article for Morgwaeth's Blade-Coven that might be a starting point for her. Much to my surprise, she said she would look at it and even suggested bringing it to an appointment we had the next day (where we knew we would be sitting for some time). What was EVEN MORE surprising was SHE ACTUALLY READ THE ARTICLE!? 

I actually spent some time in the afternoon, doing a bit of an "audit" of the cards - writing them out and assessing their relative strengths and weaknesses for the varying play styles. There is quite the mix in Morgwaeth's deck - some are good for seizing objectives... some are good for an aggressive style of play... some are good for both.... others that are good for one, are absoloutely useless for the other... and a LOT are VERY situational - like if A, B, AND C, then D - so much so as to be a mostly useless card just taking up space in a deck unless the rare occasion when such an event might occur. 

Even CrAzIeR was the fact that, later in the evening, she asked me to help her find some of the cards mentioned in the article and help her construct a totally new deck!? Now, having helped her construct a new deck, it kind of gave me a bit of an unfair advantage, in that I know what went into it... I mean, my memory isn't THAT good, I can barely remember the cards that are in my OWN deck let alone be able to remember what's in hers... but I do get the general theme - taking and holding objectives and scoring objective cards relating to the holding of objective markers/hexes... so I told her she should use the deck against a couple of different warbands with the decks they currently have. I suggested Friday she play against Garrek's Reavers - an aggressive warband that gives zero fü¢ks at all about holding objectives, and maybe on Sunday she could play Thorns of the Briar Queen which ARE about holding objectives... 

So if we spend time working on constructing decks together for a game... do I log that as a game played on boardgamegeek? I mean, building the deck is PART of the game...? I suppose painting the miniatures is too... so... maybe not...? (in the end I DID log a "play" for Morgwaeth's, but marked it as "incomplete").

Friday, 26 March 2021

We played the first game with her new deck Friday evening - versus Garrek's Reavers. 

A full report of that game and loads more pictures can be found here:

Warhammer Underworlds: Game Eleven

Saturday, 27 March 2021

After a bit of a hiatus, I actually did some work in the basement... just a bit more finish sanding. The plan was to finish off the sanding Sunday morning and start PAINTING... 

CVT and Woody joined me for a bit of a Paint & Chat in the evening... Though Woody ended up working on rearamging his hobby space while CVT and i painted. CVT was working on some Shadow Elves for Warcry and I was working on FOUR different Stormcast Eternal warbands for Warhammer Underworlds - plus another group of three I picked up to join with one of the Warhammer Underworld warbands to make a Warcry warband of the Sacrosanct Chamber. 

Sunday, 28 March 2021

STILL more Warhammer Underworlds... 

A full report of that game and loads more pictures can be found here:

Warhammer Underworlds: Game Twelve

Tuesday, 30 March 2021

On Tuesday Amanda (or the space-alien/replicant/clone that has replaced her) actually took a LUNCH break... and not only that, she/it suggested we actually PLAY A GAME during her break... further suspicion was aroused when I actually WON the game!? 

But then, just to prove her it was really her, she challenged me to a rematch and just crushed me... 

Wednesday, 31 March 2021

Just to get in a few last games, Amanda played a couple more quick games of Azul with me.

One at lunch again. 

Just before we began the last turn she looked over at my board and saw that I was almost finished two vertical rows, and stated "Wow, lunch just isn't my time..." somehow suggesting I was just going to win by a landslide - completely ignoring the fact that the game wasn't over, she was also close to finishing two rows and already had black in all but one of her horizontal rows... I did win... but by ONE point!? 

And a second in the evening. She won that one. By ten. 

That's it for this month. You can have a look at the Q2 Plan to get a sense of what's coming up in the next few months!

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