Thursday, April 1, 2021

Warhammer Underworlds: Steelheart's Champions

The past few weeks I've been working on a larger batch of Stormcast Eternals - 15 of them in total. I probably should have broken that down into smaller groups. They SEEMED like they were all pretty same-ish and could easily be batch-painted... but there was enough small and slightly details that I'd miss things on one group and notice them while painting another bit and have to go back... felt like it took for-EVAR! 

Anyway, they're all done now (almost - I have one more Warhammer Underworlds warband of Stormcast Eternals - I bought TWO copies of Steelheart's Champions, but I didn't paint BOTH with this batch as I thought I'd paint the second one like the Anvils of the Heldenhammer - a Stormhost that wears all back armour - just for something a little different!)

Steelheart's Champions were one of the first two warbands released for Warhammer Underworlds - they were included in Shadespire - the very first box set for Warhammer underworlds (and I painted a set of those for my friend John back when they first came out). They were rereleased as an expansion waraband for Nightvault - and that is what I picked up - two (deeply-discounted) copies of the Nightvault expansion box including these!

These, along with the other Stormcast I painted this week, ended up with purple on their bases. All of these Stormcast warbands were released as part of the Shadespire/Nightvault/Dreadfane series, which are all set in the shattered city of Shadespire. Shadespire was originally a city in the Realm of Shyish, where, in the fluff, it is often mentioned there is purple sand. So I thought it might be fun to have the dirt part of the base look like the purple sands of Shyish. (I have to admit I was also somewhat inspire by the fabulously coloured bases of my friend Jon's Dread Pageant warband).

Steelheart's Champions

Liberator-Prime Severin Steelheart 

Obryn the Bold

Angharad Brightshield

Stay tuned, I have MORE Stormcast Eternals coming up later today... and then something a little different! 

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