Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Gutter Runner

 I finished ONE Gutter Runner.

(Oh, I've got more stuff I've painted that I'll be posting in a moment... but I'm doing separate posts for separate factions...) 

 One Gutter Runner. 

Backside of said Gutter Runner

I painted this one Gutter Runner to finish up a complete unit of FIVE Gutter Runners! 

Complete units of Skaven so far... 

Six units - this could be a starter Vanguard force for a new Age of Sigmar (3rd Edition) Paths to Glory Narrative Campaign... 

Current Force

  • Clawlord (105) 
  • Grey Seer (140) 
  • Plague Priest (85)
  • 5 x Gutter Runners (65) 
  • 6 x Giant Rats (40)
  • 6 x Giant Rats (40)
  • TOTAL: 475

It probably woudn't be IDEAL, though, as it only adds up to 475 points (you can have up to 600 in a starting Vanguard force... So, I'll probably want to finish up a unit of Clan Rats and/or Storm Vermin and lose the Plague Priest and maybe one of the units of Giant Rats...? 

Skaven Paths to Glory Starter Force 

  • Grey Seer (140)
  • Clawlord (105)
  • 5 x Gutter Runners (65)
  • 6 x Giant Rats (40)
  • 20 x Clanrats (130) - Rusty Spear
  • 10 x Stormvermin (110) - Halberd
  • TOTAL: 590

Costing out what I have to paint up, I should be able to field up to 2000 points - once they're all painted! 

  • Arch-Warlock (175) - General
  • Grey Seer (140) 
  • Grey Seer (140) 
  • Clawlord (105) 
  • Clawlord (105) 
  • Clawlord (105) 
  • 5 x Gutter Runners (65)
  • 20 x Clanrats (130) - Rusty Spear
  • 10 x Stormvermin (110) - Halberd
  • 6 x Giant Rats (40)
  • 6 x Giant Rats (40)
  • 5 x Skryre Acolytes (65)  
  • 1 x Doomwheel (165)
  • 1 x Warpfire Thrower (70) 
  • 1 x Warpfire Thrower (70) 
  • 1 x Warpfire Thrower (70) 
  • 1 x Warpfire Thrower (70)
  • 3x Warplock Jezzails (145)
  • 3x Warplock Jezzails (145)
  • TOTAL: 1955

But that's a long way off... Might not even be a legit fieldable force, as I don't have the Battletome.. I'm not 100% sure how the sub-factions/clans work and how to determine which faction/clan your army is and what is allowed in it and what counts as "Battleline" for said army....? 

My plan, for the immediate future, is to get a few forces up to 600-1000 points to start a little narrative Paths to Glory campaign with Finnegan over the summer. We played our first game yesterday - just a one-off game, to learn the rules. Tomorrow we plan to play our first Paths to Glory game... It will not involve skaven.... but soon, perhaps!  


  1. Absolutely love those old Skaven sculpts!

  2. Cool
    Nice painting!

    I don't know why I never really got into skaven when I was doing more GW minis back in the day.

    Nice work on all of your other minis as well! (for some reason I'm not fond of the current GW style - maybe just too dark without any of the whimsy of some of the old lines)
