Saturday, July 10, 2021


So... I did a thing... 

Occasionally I check the Facebook Miniature and Games Buy and Sell.... because... y'know... sometimes something interesting shows up for a crazy good deal... and two weeks ago one did! Shadespire - the original Warhammer Underworlds board game - and three other warbands. I think it was originally $135, but quickly dropped to $90... and then, while I dithered,  it dropped to $80 (this is all in CAD, for reference, that's the price of the current "starter set" and $20 less than the suggested retail price for Direchasm).  So... I couldn't NOT buy THAT!?

Unfortunately, I already HAVE Steelheart's Champions and Garrek’s Reavers that came with the original Shadespire box... like TWO of each!? So... now I have THREE of each!? But the extra tokens and generic cards and some different Boards to play with, all worth it! And then there were the other three warbands!

First there's Magore's Fiends - MOAR KHORNE! Seriously, I'm amassing a significant force of Khorne Bloodbound and deamons - and MOST of them are aleady painted! Like, almost 1000 points worth of them. I just had to knock off these four and the three Bloodcrushers and they're ready to GO!

Then there is the Sepulchral Guard - more undead that will mix in nice with the ones from Cursed City! These ones are fully painted. Usually when I get used minis I always repaint - just so the new ones match my style/scheme (not saying mine is "better", just... different enough). These actually look really quite well done and I might just touch them up with a bit of rust. We shall see... 

Finally, there is Ironskull's Boyz. Together with Morgok's Krushas, might add up to a pretty cook Warcry Warband! They look fun. 

Feeling a little overwhelmed - so many things I WANT to do NOW and just not finding the time to get any of it done. I actually considered NOT getting these, for that very reason... but then I did. I've been busy all week assembling and prepping all sorts of stuff for Age of Sigmar. I expect the next stuff to be finished up will be a HORDE Of Daemonettes of Slaanesh. But, who knows!?


  1. Life's too short not to eat the peach.

    1. I'm not particularly fond of peaches, actually... but I get what you're saying. ha!

  2. Got to be lucky sometime! Sounds like you have been!
    Best Iain
