Friday, August 27, 2021

Kill Team - Maesenir's Rangers

Despite a table full of Imperial Guard... the first Kill Team I have ready for the imminent release of the New Kill Team are Aeldari Rangers!?  

From what I've seen on reviews, a Craftworld (Asuryani) Kill Team consists of two fire teams. The fire teams can be selected, in any combination, from; Guardian Defender Fire Team, Storm Guardian Fire Team, Ranger Fire Team, Dire Avenger Fire Team. The Guardian teams have five members, the Rangers and Dire Avengers have four. 

While I could field any/all of those, part of my re-org has included rebasing of miniatures. Many of the metal miniatures I have are still based on washers and, partly for consistency, and partly so I can write their names on the backs of their bases (to remind me of who is whom), I have been rebasing the older 40K minis I'm going to be using for Kill Team onto plastic bases. 

While i was at it, I thought I'd jazz up the bases to look like some alien world - as, there are a MILLION systems in the Imperium alone, and they're not all going to look like Holy Terra's brown dirt with green grass! 

I also wanted to get as many ready as possible, so I just did the two fire teams of Rangers... partly I did Rangers because they seemed the sort that would be involved in the sort of small scale special ops Kill Team battles are supposed to represent. Also, I just really dig their camo cloaks... 

I think, for campaign purposes, You can have up to twenty fighters on your Roster and Teams are drawn from these. If so, I could easily have a team of each. What I'll probably have is the two Ranger Fire Teams, a Dire avenger Fire Team and a Guardian Defender Fire Team - as I don't actually OWN any Storm Guardians. Or, quite possibly, I could just have three Ranger Fire Teams and two Dire Avenger teams...? 

I'd planned to come up with some "fluff" for each of these Kill Teams... but between RPGaDay and ALL THE KILL TEAMS I'm trying to get ready... I'm a little burnt out and just don't have the time. It was an effort just to come up with names for some of them... 

I can say, as with all Rangers, they walk the Path of the Outcast. All of Maesenir's Rangers hail from the Biel-Tymm fleet - an independent fleet that once was part of the Biel-Tan craft world, but has been off on it's own for many centuries, pursuing it's own agenda. The rangers do tend to wander where they will, but do report back to the fleet and are willing to sometime take direction or eve orders from the fleet. 

Maesenir's Rangers

The full Kill Team ready for action. 

Ylessar (on the left - of the picture), Aurelyc (in the back), Maesenir (up front), and Klorandos (on the right)

Lechanna (on the left - of the picture), Kaedoreth (in the back), Tallariel (up front), and Jairyllian (on the right).

What's next? Hard to say. I have. LOT of Kill Teams I'm organizing and touching up. Will I do posts for each of them? Maybe. Currently on the workbench are Harlequins, Drukhari, Valhallans, Tallarn, Guiacans, Armageddon Steel Legion, Necromundans... (is that enough Imperial Guard...? Because by tomorrow I'll also have the Death Korps of Kreig to add to them!?). I also have Space Marine Scouts and a Forge World Kill Team and Orks and Daemons and Traitor Marines and Grey Knights, and probably others I'm forgetting... Some will need touching up, others (like the Grey Knights) are ready to go with names on their bases and everything! And then Finnegan has Orks and Death Watch Space Marines and Tyranids and Genestealer Cult.... We have no shortage of options. 

I also have a bunch of terrain to paint up - some of the Sector Mechanicus and Sector Imperialis stuff I picked up when the PREVIOUS Kill Team cam out (that I STILL haven't gotten around to painting!?) and I'll have all the Orky scrap fort terrain that's coming in this new one... 

Should keep my busy and out of trouble.... 


  1. Splendid looking Eldar kill team!
    Best Iain

  2. That camo is great for the alien plants! so brightly colored, but it works perfectly for them. That dark eldar head is great too, very fitting.

    When you DO get the DKoK assembled, could you do a comparison shot with the steel legion? I suspect they are taller, but I have wondered how well they might work together (So many glorious bitz too!)

    1. Thanks! I redid the Harlequins with similar bases as well.

      I can definitely post comparison pics! (But if I don't, when I get around to posting pics of the Krieg warriors... just remind me!)

  3. Tim,
    I hope you do the Imperial Guard. Remember, their motto is "If we haven't taken at least 90% casualties, we're not trying hard enough!"

    1. Oh, I'll definitely be posting up the Guard Kill Teams as I finish them up over the next few days. They're kind of my favourites...

      I started playing Eldar again and Chaos because EVERYONE around here seems to play Space Marines (or Mechanicus) and it's just so boring playing imperial versus imperial for 3/4 games at a tournament and have to listed to a space marine player tell me over and over that my guys are "corrupted" or "traitors"...

      Finnegan does have Death Watch Marines... but he also has Orks and Kroot and Tau and Genestealers and Genestealer Cult Kill Teams he can field - so the Guard will be seeing lots of action against them in the coming weeks!

  4. Your cammo painting is really interesting and most effective. I do like what you have done with the bases, most creative and original. Have you tried other cammo schemes before or is this a new venture?

    1. Thanks, Alan!

      I've painted a lot of different types of camouflage. This pattern is one I've used on many different minis - albeit with more subdued colours. It's loosely based on the German WW2 SS pea-dot camouflage. I don't use it because of any love for the SS, I just use it because it's very easy to replicate and makes fun and interesting patterns - expecially when using vibrant colours such as these.

      I actually painted these miniatures a few years ago - all I did recently was rebase them - but previously they'd been on bases that had brown dirt and more terrestrial looking plants. As I was re-doing them, I thought I'd take the opportunity to try and make the bases a bit more like the camouflage they're using?

    2. I actually did a tutorial post on how I paint British DPM some time ago...
