Friday, December 31, 2021

Kill Team - Drukhari Ambush

 I do like that Ambush scenario... 

Ages ago, back in August, I painted up a few Kabalites to make Amanda's old Crimson Wave Wych Cult Kill Team ready to play - in anticipation of her getting in on the game. She played a few games of the old Kill Team with them. She'd played Shadow War Armageddon before that. She played LOADS of Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress. She even played a bit of Necromunda... but until this week, I wasn't able to get her to play a game of the NEW Kill Team. 

This week, however, she relented and joined me and Finnegan for a game!

This scenario followed on from our previous game earlier in the week, in which Kill Team Coranos seized an important Ancient Aeldari Artefact from the Ebony Vipers Genestealer Cult (Which a Biel-Tymm Combat Patrol had failed to do!). 

Lurking, undetected in the deep shadows of the jungles of Xoxigar Tertium, a team of Drukhari took all of this in... and decided they couldn't just let the Deathwatch Kill Team make of their their own ancestors relics.... 

We did not bother with Tac Ops as this was a learning game for Amanda and we just wanted to focus on the mechanics of the game on the table. (We'll add in Tac Ops next time...) 

All set up according to the scenario... Death watch on one half of the table and needing to get off the opposite. 

Half the Drukhari waiting in ambush on one flank. 

The rest quietly wainting on the other flank. 

Turning Point One

Kill Team Coranos was trudging though the deep jungles of Xoxigar Tertium towards their extraction point, when Brother Benatos Diodexious, glancing at his auspex said; "Hey guys, I'm picking up some funny readings..." 

Thrixxesh Xoshut, the Kabalite Heavy Gunner, started things off, filling the jungle with a blinding purple beam of light...

She blasted a hole clear through Brother Diodexious' chest with her Dark Lance - evaporating one of his hearts... Luckily, the Emperor, in all his benevolence, graced the battle brother with two! It still dropped the marine and he would take no part in this action at all... 

Reacting quickly to the ambush, Brother Borealis Issolis unleashed a torrent of bolter rounds in the general direction of where the lance shot had come from, shattering the Dukhari's weapon and dropping the gunner. 

He then rushed forwards and, spotting another waiting in ambush, flushed the underbush with another volley of explosive rounds (Finnegan had used the Bolter Discipline Strategic Ploy - allowing all bolter armed troopers to be able to shoot twice).Peiythia was taken out of action before she could even lash out at the Marine with her Shardnet and Impaler... 

Maleyk took cover and shredded many jungle plants with their splinter rifle... but little else. 

Brother Nasirdan Cannistus, like Issolis, shot at ambushers on one flank, moved and shot at more ambusher on the other flank injuring Draeven...

...and seriously injuring Shixane. 

Draeven shot at Brother Icasos Scamedes, injuring him. 

She then repositioned to get a better field of fire as the Marines moved through the Kill Zone. 

Sergeant Laescos Coranos charged Rushed forward, determined to lead his marines out of this ambush by cutting a swath straight through them... 

Saphusykh Vhrex cut down Brother Icasos Scamedes with her Splinter Rifle.

Brother Cannistus did some Overwatch fire at Shixane, but missed. 

Hekatrix Vulvatrix, leader of the Crimson Wave Wych Cult, charged directly into close combat with the burly leader of the Deathwatch Kill Team. She dealt him some grievous injuries, to be sure... but he took her out of action... 

Brother Issolis let rip with some punishing overwatch fire, shredding trees and bushes and finishing off Shixane. 

Khatryx Charged the injured sergeant and finished him off... 

Vaivel Wisp and Asphyxa Noiyr both advanced and shot at Canistus with their Splinter Pistols, finishing him off as well... 

Turning Point Two

Brother Borealis Issolis and Khatryx faced each other down... who would get the initiative... 

Finnegan rolled a one... so... 

in she went, Razorflails flashing to and fro... 



Amanda rolled a crit and four regular successes 

Finnegan... not so much... 

The Wych dealt the gunner 16 damage - taking him out, removing both arms... 

(They're marines, they grow back... or something...) 

Post game recovery checks were made and everyone was just fine... relatively speaking. I'm sure they spent a lot of time in the surgical wards back on the Inquisitor's Battle Barge, regrowing lost limbs and having new second hearts reimplanted and such... but they would fight again. 

Amanda's fallen Drukhari likewise recovered and were able to fight another day... 

Amanda admitted she quite liked this new version of Kill Team - especially liking the streamlined combat resolution. She had found the Roll-to-Hit, Roll-to-Wound, Roll-to-Save process somewhat tedious.

Drukhari are NASTY. 

Perhaps we'll get Amanda playing a bit more in the new year. 

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