Friday, November 4, 2022

40 (+)Days of 40K - Part Six

 I took a bit of a break and now I'm getting back to working on these... but maybe not so quick as before (because I DO want to get some MINIATURES painted!?)

#29 - Primaris Eliminator of the Tangermarines Space Marine Chapter. 

#30 - J'Frer of the Soroibus Tortus Noise Marine band

Another illustration based on a miniature of my own... 

Soroibus Tortus - from left to right; J'Frer, Marcus, D'Snydr, Ajax, and Fingur. They are part of a small detachment of Emperor's Children led by Deamon Prince Garfongdong.

#34 - Servo-Skull

A Servo-Skull is a cybernetic floating drone made of electronics, machinery, anti-gravity field generators... and the skull and brain of a deceased citizen of the Imperium - so they may continue their duty to the Emperor even after their body has passed.

#35 - Khorne Berserker

I was very excited to see that there is a World Eaters Codex, along with NEW plastic Khorne Berserkers, in the pipe... Not because I care about the World Eaters, at all... but because if they do a World Eaters, it means they're finally getting around to giving the other chaos gods some attention... Death Guard (Nurgle) and Thousands Sons (Tzeentch) have had codexes and their own lines of specialist troops for a while. Surely this indicates and Emperor's Children codex (and plastic Noise Marines - not that I NEED MORE!?) could be not too far off as well...? 

I had hoped it might have been around the same time as the new Hedonites of Slaanesh Battle Tome for Age of Sigmar... since they adding new Slaanesh Daemons and upgrading the models of some older ones... alas, it was not to be. 

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