Saturday, November 5, 2022

Epic 40K - MOAR CHAOS!


Just a few more Chaos items rolling off the workbench... 

First, is the Blood Reaper, the third Deamon Engine of Khorne. 

I'm still not sure what I'm going to use these as...? 

The Brass Scorpion  (up front) is still a thing, made by Forge World, so I have Apocalypse stats for it... it's a 32 Power Rating Lord of War!? Maybe I need to find some other Lords of War to say they others are "Counts As..." and field the three as a Super Heavy Detachment...? 

I wonder if the Blood Reaper (new one, on the left) could maybe be passed off as a Lord of Skulls...? The former is a tower on wheels with, effectively three weapon systems (two missile, one melee) - the twinned cannons the top of the tower, the battery of guns in the middle of the tower and the impaling ram on the front. The latter is also a towering Daemon Engine on tracks with three weapon systems (two missile, one melee) - the Great Cleaver of Khorne and an arm-mounted ranged weapon and a belly-mounted ranged weapon... (probably go with the Hades Gattling Cannon and the Ichor Cannon - based on attack numbers...) ?

I have no idea about the Doom Blaster of Khorne - four super-heavy mortars and a ram... Maybe a Hellforged Typhon Heavy Siege Tank?  It is equipped with a Dreadhammer Siege Cannon and "Infernal Hunger" (melee weapon)...? 

Next were two test stands - one of Chaos Space Marines the other of... well... it looks like Chaos Space Marines... riding Daemon Steeds of Slaanesh!? 

Pretty pleased with how the Chaos Space Marines turned out. I think I have a total of ten stands worth (so, nine more to do)? Most of which should fit into the five Chaos Land Raiders I've already painted up. 

My initial thought was to use the Marines on the Daemon Steeds of Slaanesh as seekers of Slaanesh - which are Daemonettes mounted on Daemon Steeds of Slaanesh - hence five per base. But now I'm thinking I could field them as "Counts As" Chaos Bikers!? I'd need only three per base - and then end up with WAY MORE UNITS. 

Stats-wise, they aren't all THAT different. They go about the same speed. Have the same Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill. The melee attacks are similar in strength. The seekers have way more melee attacks, but no ranged attack. Five seekers have two wounds, 3 bikers have one, but the bikers have a way better save... 

Maybe I could do them on a double-wide base with 9 or 10 to a base and could field them as EITHER a unit of 10 Seekers or a unit of 9 Bikers, depending on my mood...? Who's going to count!? 

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