Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Warhammer Underworlds - Mollog's Mob

 Finally back to working on the Warhammer Underworlds warbands. If all goes according to PLAN, I'm going to try and knock out a new one each week for the rest of the year (and, if I manage that, it might be nice to keep that momentum going into the new year until I'm finished ALL of them!?) 

Mollog the Mighty is a Dankhold Troggoth. He apparently wandered into Shadespire when the steady flow of skaven passing through his lair, that he munched on, ceased. Mollog has SEVEN WOUNDS!? which is the most of any character in the game!? No one is going to one-shot him... but Amanda's Wych Aelves deal some pretty serious damage, and there are many of them! Also, with their speed, they can just dance around this lumbering brute. 

There are a few squiggy followers, but I imagine they're not going to be all that much help, and be little more than speed-bumps for just about any other fighters. One of them, Stalagsquig, once deployed CANNOT MOVE!? None of the squigs can even hold objectives.

I have a feeling tonight's game will go... poorly... Unless Mollog gets some bashes in and Amanda manages to NOT roll all crits for defence...

Mollogs Mob

Warbands of four are tricky... once you lose one, you suddenly have more activations than you have models. This becomes a serious challenge if you're playing a warband, like Amanda's, that focuses on holding objectives and (sometimes) avoiding enemy, and making them come to her (requiring a charge, which then means that model can not make any further activations in the round...) 

Their backs - with names on them, which I've started to do for all the Underworlds Warbands... for easier identification (especially if playing with someone new... should that ever happen...?)

Mollog the Mighty!

Na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, BAT SQUIIIIIIIIG! 

It can fly. 

Spiteshroom belches out clouds of toxic spores, as an attack, OR as a reaction, every time someone hits it! 

Stalagsquig cannot move after deployment... but it can sneak back onto the board after being taken out... ("it was there all the time") but, again, cannot move once re-deployed... 

I don't know... they might be total crap, but they seem like a FUN idea... and fun is pretty much my only motivating force when it comes to painting and playing with little plastic toys! 

I will be trying these out this evening. I may or may not take enough pictures for a game report... 

I have some other minis I've been finishing up that I'll probably post in teh next day or two... 


  1. They look great, even if they can't fight! I'm thinking of doing some Napoleonic Neopolitans which are terrible troops but very pretty?! So I agree entirely with your criteria!
    Best Iain

  2. I have played Mollog and against Mollog in the Steam version of Underworlds. It is a tough warband if you make the correct selection of cards. Once he starts stomping... ouch! The trick is to not charge him too early and maximize his special rules.

    1. Hey! Thanks!

      I was just starting to read through the cards and most of the objectives that come with the deck don't seem that great... Just need too many squigs-in-a-row to score so many of them!

      It's been too long since I've played this regularly to know which others I have that I can quickly replace them with... Hopefully, if we get playing more regularly, I'll be able to figure something out!?
