Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Epic 40K - MOAR Stuff

I've had a PILE of old "Epic" scale 40K miniatures on and around my workbench for the last month, and, occasionally, I've painted a few things, here and there... 

The main impetus was originally to have markers to show were units were in a Wrath & Glory Role-Playing campaign I was planning to run this fall - where all the players are members of an Astra Militarum Leman Russ tank crew... Unfortunately, we haven't really gotten past character creation, as I ended up being sick the one weekend we did have planned at the end of September... and then there were no days that would work in October... Maybe this month. Next weekend is looking like a possibility...?

Anyway, once I started working on Astra Miliatarun stuff and some opposing Orks... and I found out how quickly I could knock some of these things off... I just started digging out more and more of the stuff - with megalomaniac dreams of MASSIVE APOCALYPSE LEVEL conflicts!?

This is what I've finished up since I last posted about these in September... 

The new stuff... 

Or stuff that was on the workbench and was finished up. Technically, some of it isn't NEWly painted, I was just rebasing things to jive more with the numbers that are allowed in units in the most recent Apocalypse rules... 

Astra Militarum

Leviathan Command Vehicle

This is the only Astra Militarun stuff I finished up. I'm not entirely sure if I'll pretend the Leviathan is something that exists (perhaps a Stormlord...? With extra sponsons...? And pretend that giant gun just fires case shot and effectively works like a vulcan mega-bolter...?) or just make up some rules for it...?

I do have a second company of Leman Russ tanks on the workbench - along with a few support vehicles (self-propelled artillery, mostly) 

Here are all the Astra Militarum items I have painted so far. 

In addition to the aforementioned partly finished second company of Leman Russ tanks and assorted support vehicles.... I also have about two more platoons of Infantry (to finish up a company) and a Mortar Squad and a couple of Special Weapons Squads (Snipers) 


More new things - a few Khorne Chaos things... A Skullmaster, Herald of Khorne on Juggernaut to lead the small contingent and a pair of Khorne Daemon Engines. The one in the back ins a Brass Scorpion. Not sure what to call the one on the left...? 

I have one more Daemon Engine to finish up and a few more of the Khorne Marines mounted on Juggernauts (Which I'll just call Khorne Bloodcrushers) 

Also for a burgeoning Chaos force - a Chaos Sorcerer and a few Chaos Landraiders. 

I have about 10 Elements of Chaos space Marines (which, technically, would probably fit in these five landraiders!? but there'd be no room for the Sorcerer or anyone else). They will all be Emperor's Children - like my regular scale Chaos forces... I could probably use some of the spare marines I have and paint them as Heresy era Emperor's Children. 

I also have an assortment of other Epic chaos stuff... The old Epic Chaos forces had some really weird stuff, tho...  Marines (that look like Thousand Sons) mounted on Steeds of Slaanesh (which I'll just call "seekers") ?! Marines riding on Screamers of Tzeentch?! the Khorne Bloodletters look like HUGE ogres... Piles of Chaos Dwarves (Maybe I'll just use those as more Chaos Space Marines?). Beastmen (which I could use as "cultists", if there aren't apocalypse stats for the Beastmen that came with Blackstone Fortress) 

Adeptus Astartes

These rolled off the workbench, but they are definitely just rebased. I originally had four bases of three... which I changed to two bases of five terminators, plus two captains in Terminator armour. 

The Marines so far... 

Still have another five Rhinos and another 10-15 elements of Marines based and ready to go. Probably another 15 elements worth of marines that could be based and painted (those might become Emperor's Children, though...) I also have a handful of bikes and speeders and drop pods and commanders to do, but that's about it for Marines. 


New Orks - mostly. I'm pretty sure the Killa Kans were painted before and I rebased them from two elements of two, to one element of three and one element of one... to match the unit sizes allowed in Apocalypse. Also, two Warbosses (the one on the larger base would be used as the forces Warmaster), and a Big Mek with Shock Attack Gun, and Nob with Waaagh Banner. 

The Orks so far

I have 8 units of orks on the workbench - to fill up those trucks! 

In additnion to these, I have another 19 original ork sprues (each with 3 Trucks and 20 Orks) which could make 38 MORE units of Orks... and... well... way more Trucks that I could ever hope to use (adding in the few loose ones I have, there are over SISTY!)!? I also have two of the newer sprues, which have more of the Bosses and Nobs, a few gretchin and bikes and buggies and guns... 

I also have a MEGA GARGANT and a Stompa and some more Morkanot/Gorkanot type walkers... 

And then there are all the Eldar... 

And Squats.... 

And Titans.... 

All of which I haven't really even been thinking about, lately... but probably should!

Will there be MORE of this in the near future...? I don't know. I will probably finish up the Leman Russ tanks and 8 elements of Orks, but for the rest of the year I'm really trying to finish up some Warhammer Underworlds warbands - as that's a game I'm likely to actually PLAY!!!

IF we actually get the Role-Playing Game going... AND the epic minis DO come in useful, I might get motivated to paint some more... 

IF somehow I got playing Epic Apocalypse and was having fun with that, I might also get motivated to paint more...

We shall see....