Friday, June 30, 2023

June Games

Sooooo... I kind of only played one game in June... 

Friday, 9 June 2023

Amanda's friend Kim stopped by for a few days while making her way across Canada - From Yellowknife in the Northwest Territories to Cape Breton! While here, Amanda decided we needed to introduce her to Wingspan! 

We played with the European and Oceana expansions... because the cards were already mixed in and we couldn't be bothered to sort them out to play with just the base set.... 

This fucking guy... I activated him five or six time and I just could not draw a bird card with a Wingspan less than 100com - let along 75 to tuck it... 

Everytime I activated this birb I rolled rodents... EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.  One time I actually had four dice to roll... rolled THREE RODENTS!? (and one invertebrate!?) on the flip side, Amanda had one where she was rolling dice outside the feeder and looking for rats, SHE kept rolling FISH!? 

Probably watching movies tonight. 

Maybe next month... 

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