Saturday, July 1, 2023

Game Plan 2023 - Q3

Holy Carp!? How are we already half way through the year!? 

Lets start by looking back at the Q2 Game Plan...


I didn't really have any idea what sort of games I might play for any sort of Quarterly 5x5 Challenge... I did end up getting sort of close to playing five different games, five times! And, despite only playing ONE GAME in June, played over thirty in April and May... 

Here are the games I played this past quarter: 

  • One-hour Wargames x5
  • Wingspan Asia x4
  • Clank! In! Space!: A Deck-Building Adventure x4
  • Wingspan x4
  • Agricola x3
  • Century: Golem Edition x2
  • Tinderblox x2
  • Azul x1
  • Beyond the Sun x1
  • Boss Monster 2: The Next Level x1
  • Castles of Mad King Ludwig x1
  • Cryptid x1
  • Imhotep x1
  • Lords of Waterdeep x1
  • Shakespeare x1
  • Splendor x1
  • Tyrants of the Underdark x1
  • Vinci x1
  • Xenos Rampant x1

What I've played, so far this year... 

  • One-Hour Wargames x20
  • Codenames x11
  • Wingspan Asia x7
  • Splendor x5
  • Wingspan x5
  • Clank! In! Space!: A Deck-Building Adventure x4
  • Agricola x3
  • Century: Golem Edition x3
  • Codenames: Pictures x2
  • Tinderblox x2
  • Azul x1
  • Beyond the Sun x1
  • Boss Monster 2: The Next Level x1
  • Castles of Mad King Ludwig x1
  • Cryptid x1
  • Hellboy: The Roleplaying Game x1
  • Imhotep x1
  • Kingdom Builder x1
  • Lords of Waterdeep x1
  • Shakespeare x1
  • Terraforming Mars x1
  • Terraforming Mars: Prelude x1
  • Tyrants of the Underdark x1
  • Vinci x1
  • Xenos Rampant x1

Any possibility there might be a 10x10 in there...? Certainly there could be five games I'd play 10 times this year (One Hour Wargames and Codenames I've already done, it would be easy enough to get in five more games of Wingspan, Splendor and Wingspan Asia)... If I actually got going on playing Kill Team and Warcry, it would be easy enough to get in ten games of each of those... but that's only seven. Maybe if I ended up running a role-playing game in the fall and/or another online campaign...? 

Maybe I just need to try and play some games and see what happens.  


I didn't get a tonne painted... and I DID buy a few things... but I don't really see any need for any more purchases in the foreseeable future (Unless I got playing 40K on the regular and decided to pick up a few Harlequins or other Aeldari to fill in holes in 40K armies...) 

Q3 Game Plan

Things are still very much up in the air. The basement renovation still drags on and there is a lot to do before it's going to be finished. Demolition is complete, the last of the plumbing has been upgraded and concreted has been repoured... But things are kid of on hold now, until the end of August, when the contractor we hired to do all the finish work is available. So, I probably won't have full access to the game room or a proper hobby area until Q4...  That will limit what kind of gaming and hobby projects that can be worked on.

Also there are a few vacations being planned for this summer. Amanda and Keiran are heading off to visit Amanda's folks and sister and her family later in the summer. Then Amanda and I are theoretically going off on a vacation of our own afterwards  (as well as maybe a few shorter excursions earlier in the summer...?) 

Still... I would like to get going on some games of Kill Team and Warcry. I'd like to finish up a few of the new kill teams and Gallowdark terrain and a few more skaven for Warcry.

Hopefully we can still play a few board games from time to time. 

Not much of a "plan"... but... It's about the best I can manage right now. 

Hopefully by Q4 I'll be back into the swing of things... 


  1. Still got lot's of games played, looking forward to more of your Skaven!
    Best Iain
