Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Work-in-Progress Wednesday (24 January 2024)

Since I take the picture(s) to post on my local 40K group's facebook page... why not start sharing them here...?

I AM actually doing some work on the Astra Militarum (Tallarn) self-propelled artillery units I need for the 40K tournament in February - just 24 days away!!! 

Also scattered about the table are an assortment of other things; A few Warhammer Underworlds warbands, a few Heroes and villains from Warhammer Quest: Cursed City, and varied and sundry 40K and other sci-fi minis. 

Among the Warhammer Underworlds warbands, Hexbane's Hunters, Domitan’s Stormcoven, and Blackpowder's Buccaneers are most actively being worked on, but also present are Ephilim’s Pandaemonium, Skittershank’s Clawpack, and Shadeborn are also present... I did assemble Cyreni’s Razors recently, but stored them away with Elathain's Soulraid in the "on deck" boxes nearby to paint together when I get some of these others done... Oh, I think The Exiled Dead are still lurking about on the table... but I should really shuffle them off as I likely won't get to them any time soon... 

Should I make this a regular thing...? 

What's everyone else working on!? 


  1. Nice to see you seem to have a dedicated painting space now Tim! I remember watching you set up your paints on the old games table to work on your figures!

    1. Oh, I've had a dedicated painting place for years... sometimes I set up on the games table when I had other people over to paint as there wasn't space to all set up in the room where I had my paint station...?

  2. Quite the artillery park (viewed with a 3rd edition lens). Should be good in 10th.

    As for myself, I am working on Eldar/Aeldari corsairs, as well as the various other things going. My workspace has become more of a dumping ground, and really ought to be sorted out...

    1. Looking forward to seeing those Eldar!! Have you got many games in with the ones you've finished so far?

      I've not played any games with the artillery, but they don't look too bad (in theory) - handy that all the data cards are FREE online, as I'm not sure I'm ready to drop another $70CAD on ANOTHER Guard codex any time soon... I'll also have three units of mortar-armed heavy weapons teams (ALL INDRECT FIRE!) and two scout sentinels, which, I gotta say, I LOVE that this new edition allows them to actually act as SCOUTS!!! If they have line of sight to a target - an indirect-firing unit can count as having line of sight to that unit!!! Huzzah!

    2. Ha, games... that would be nice. You would think that with the kid also interested in 40k it would happen, but not yet. Right now the Eldar are just amassing in preparation for a future game.

      Yeah, more money for another (expensive) codex is great to avoid while you can! Having the Sentinels scout is amazing! Not sure if mortars are any good (have they ever been?) but hiding them away and shooting at range is great. Of course the sentinels are pretty vulnerable too.

    3. Imperial Guard mortars have been pretty good (against infantry) since 8th edition. They got rid of templates so they just roll a d6 to see how many attacks they get against the unit, +1 attack for every 5 models in a unit.
      Assuming there are at least three target units with a full strength of five I will get 4 attacks per mortar, 9 mortars makes 32 attacks... Even if I'm only hitting on 5+ (because they are totally out of line of sight - which is fine, because that means the mortars are also out of line of sight to THEM!) is going to be 10 hits. Stength 5 - so even against orks and Marines I'm going to would on 3+, will be 6 wounds... taking out 3 marines... or 5 orks (except that orks would never be in a unit of 5 they'd be 10-20, so I'd have had MORE hits on those...) on average.. Larger units (of 10 or more) means more hits, Lower armour means more wounds (Guard, Tau, Eldar). In the one tournament I played with them, I think they were my second most killiest units - for something that just sat out of sight (ideally holding a read objective), was relatively safe and denied enemies from deep striking (next to the Leman Russ Punisher, in killiness that is, which was just BRUTAL in 8th edition with the grinding advance - double the attacks of the turret weapon if you moved less than half move - that was just point, click, deleting units with 40 bolter rounds at it per turn - plus more from the bow gun and sponsons - especially if it was a command tank with a veteran crew that - I think - used to hit on 3+!?).

      Regardless if they are good or not... I think they will be FUN to just sit back and blast things from afar (rolling buckets of dice!) while the Space Wolves charge forwards and do all the up-close-stabby-kills. It's going to be batshit crazy and I love it. Will we win lots of games....? I doubt it.. but it will be fun!

      Yes, the sentinels are VERY vulnerable. My hope is to keep them behind the super killy space wolves and get them JUST close enough to spot a unit and call in the fire mission and launch a krak missile of their own against some vehicle or monster...

      FIND the time.... it is fucking alarming how fast they go from just starting to paint miniatures to in college now and don't want to play games with you any more!

    4. Yeah, high school starts next year, and then it will be all over...
