Monday, January 22, 2024

Warhammer Underworlds: TRIPLE-header! (Part Three)

In our final game of the afternoon... we played a second Three-Player game of Warhammer Underworlds! You can see the reports of the other two games here: 

Warhammer Underworlds: TRIPLE-header! (Part One) 

Warhammer Underworlds: TRIPLE-header! (Part Two) 

In this game Orion and I decided to switch things up again. Orion brought Hexbane's Hunters out again and I tried playing the Wurmspat. 

I can't remember the order in which they were chosen, but Orion selected the Ambernest Trap board from Direchasm, I took the Penitents Throne from Nightvault, and Amanda went with the Chamber of Gensis  from Harrowdeep! 

Orion started things off by sending doggos after the Wurmspat... or perhaps they're one of those dogs that are just attrached to the rankest smelling stuff - and when they find it love to roll around in it!? 

The Wurmspat have all these fun Cycle cards that can go into play and persist for some time. This was especially fun to play as Both Amanda and Orion had been looking at my cards and noting that they were not that fast and were calculating how far any of my fighters could get... then I played this BEFORE my first move and all those calculations went out the window... 

And, BOOM, suddenly Sepsimus was on an objective and stabbing at Morgwaeth with his Blighted Spear... Oh, I'm pretty sure he missed... but it caused some discomfort seeing that large blobby mass move so quickly across the board! 

And then the ganging up started... 

Dogs moved up to chew on Sepsimus' rotting feet while Hexbane blasted him in the back with his blackpowder pistols! 

and ALL the Blade-Coven rallied to Morgwaeth's Defence! 

Fecula moved up and zapped spells at the doggo (as Hexbane was just a bit out of range!) 

Ghulgoch charged in and shoved the snek-lady off an objective marker... 

Then he turned his attention to Morgwaeth who'd moved up onto an Objective marker, having shifted Sepsimus off of it. 

I think Morgweath took out Sepsimus and Ghulgoch charged on past her to fight the Witch-Hunter, because there's nothing Gulgoch hates more than a witch-hunter... Well... bathing... Gulgoch probably hates BATHING more than he hates witch-hunters... but it's a CLOSE second place. 

Unfortunately Ghulgoch was also taken out leaving only Fecula... 

I kind of hoped the other two would get busy attacking each other at this point and FEcula could just stand back and I'd shuffle through Objective cards to see if there were ANY I had a hope of scoring. I DID have one that would have given me one or two IF no one bothered to enter my territory before the game ended... 

But apparently Amanda drew one that she could scored if she was on an objective in enemy territory and the one in MY territory was closest, so Morgwaeth sprinted across the board to seize it... There was no way Fecula could possibly take her out (as she now had five wounds - thanks to Great Fortitude)... but I think Fecula DID manage to take out Kyrae... who may have been down to one wound and a little zap of a magic attack finished her off...? 

Morgwaeth's Blade-Coven won this one with thirteen points. Hexbane's Hunters had ten... 

I ended up with only seven... but that's kind of a WIN for a Nurgle warband (seven being the sacred number of Nurgle!)... so... Yay...?

I think the Wurmspat has a lot of potential (and I LOVE the miniatures), if I could edit the deck with some fun stuff from my binders full of cards from Shadespire-Nightvault-Beastgrave-Direchasm-Harrowdeep-or-Nethermaze.... Or maybe I should be looking for a Rivals deck that would work well with it and make a Nemesis deck...? That seems to be the way things are going... 

Although Orion just got a HUGE pile of older Shadespire/Nightvault era stuff in a trade with some dude in Regina... so maybe she'll be okay with playing with Relic decks...? 

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