Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Warhammer Underworlds - Skabbik's versus Elathain's

On Tuesday evening Amanda and I played some more Warhammer Underworlds. I was anxious to try out the freshly painted Skabbik's Plaguepack and she was keen to have another go with Elathain's Soulraid

Amanda took The Mistmarsh Tangle board from Gnarlwook, and I took A Root-Hall Bleed from Wyrdhollow. 

All set up and ready to go... 

Amanda went first and charged Rikkit with Fuirann... seizing that objective in Non One's Territory... and missed. 

Which was cool because I scored the first of my surges for that! Yay!

Unfortunately, it was pretty much all downhill from there for me! 

Elathain charged in next and killed Rikit... 

Skritter when skrittering off deep into Enemy Territory to jump on an objective - as a Beast, it cannot HOLD objectives, but it can be ON objectives, and there are a few cards which only state a friendly fighter be ON an objective to score a card - and score I did! 

Spine fish showed up next to Rabidius... 

and then Tammael charged in and killed him... which kind of fucked my whole plan for the turn - which was going to see me score two more objectives AND Corrupt two Territories... All because I thought Tammael could only deal two damage (Amanda had said, they all deal two damage...).. but then informed me Tammael actually does THREE on a charge... so.. 

I spent the next two activations running Itchit way off into enemy territory (because I did not realize that Skritter was a BEFOULER... (Otherwise I could have still scored the other objectives AND Corrupt two areas... I went with corrupt two areas and inspired the surviving members of the warband... 

Amanda had moved up Duinclaw. I'd played a ploy that made Skabbik vomit on Duinclae - dealing TWO DAMAGE!? and had also upgraded them with Noxious Vapours - which dealt one damage to each adjacent enemy fighter at the end of the round - which was enough to take out Duinclaw and Spinefish (not that I scored any bounty for Spinefish.) 

A the beginning of Round Two, Tammael murdered poor Itchit. 

Skabbik Made a run for it... 

Elathain slaughtered Poxlix

To end the round, Skabbik ran between Fuirann and Tammael to deal each of them a damage again with Noxious Vapours... 

Just my leader and the little rat.... versus 3/4 of their nasty fighters... 

Also,  being between Fuirann and Tammael at the beginning of the round, staggered them... IF I could have just gone first, I MIGHT have taken one of them out... Alas, Amanda won that roll off and Elathain charged in and finished off Skabbik. 

Bursting Sores dealt a wound to Fuirann, making them vulnerable... 

There was no way for Skritter to get anywhere in one move that they could not be charged... and I did have an Objective Card that scored one Glory if a Befouler took an enemy out of action - and I had only JUST NOTICED that Skritter WAS a Befouler... so I took a long shot - I would have a reroll.. 

Of course the ONE TIME I roll a crit in an attack, Amanda rolls a crit AND a success.. couldn't even roll a success with a reroll... 

So Tammael charged in and gutted Skritter... which seemed a bit like overkill... 

Amanda ended up winning the game 16-5... ouch. 

I'd had high hopes for these rats... I guess I'll have to try a few more games and maybe build a nemesis deck for them, there are some clearly garbage cards in the deck - but there is a lot of FUN stuff - that can work, so... Not totally giving up on them just yet! 

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