Monday, March 4, 2024

Warhammer Underworlds - Snow Day: The Second!

 School was cancelled and the rest of the university staff were advised to work from home and avoid all nonessential travel... so we had another day at home together! So Amanda did a day and a half worth of work and when she was done said "Hey, want to play another game of Warhammer Underworlds...?"

It was a bit late when we got going. Earlier I'd been looking at a few different Rivals decks to see what might pair with Magore's Fiends (since Amanda had taken an interest in it). Initially I'd not considered Voidcursed Thralls, but that might be one to try out. I'd passed it over because all Voidcursed fighter have a defence of One Block... and I thought that Magore's might have increased to two when they inspired, but they don't, so none of the Voidcurse would affect them at all! 

What I was looking through was Tooth and Claw and decided it could be pretty nasty! I'd only just read through all the cards and was just starting to THINK about how they could work together when Amanda said "lets just THROW SOMETHING TOGETHER!?" Which is not really something i ever do... but somehow we bullshit something together in about 10-15 minutes, and we had another battle of Chaos forces in the Gnarlwood! 

Amanda won the boards roll and had me choose first, I took The Mistmarsh Tangle from the Gnarlwood Core Box (because I like the look of it... and I's taken The Burgeoning out of the deck so I didn't NEED a Hazard hex!). Amanda took Moltscape - also from the Gnarlwood Core Box and set it up with long edges matching. 


Amanda went first and Zharkus started things off by charging Ghuloch, hitting him and dealing two damage! 

I played Steady Advance, allowing me to push two fighters one hex, which brought Sepsimus adjacent to Zharkus and Ghuloch - hoping Ghuloch would just beat Sharkus down with his three hammer attack. Unfortunately Amanda played Horrifying Howl, which let her pick an enemy fighter that is adjacent to a friendly fighter and push them up to TWO HEXES?! 

So Fecula charged in with the help of Devastating Charge... and ... I think she hit...? 

But then was bounced away because of the impetus (I'd really hoped Amanda would have chose to stagger her - as I had Out of Control in my hand - which I score if the impetus staggers one of mine...) 

Amanda then realized NONE of her other fighters were within charge range of ANY of mine... And I decided to KEEP it that way... 

Sepsimus charged in on Ghuloch's left - to keep him out of charge range (as going on his right would have put him in range of two of the Fiends! Sepsimus totally missed... because Amanda just can't NOT roll Crits... 

Each of the remaining fiends could only move up for the rest of their activations. It took Ghuloch TWO attacks to finish off Zharkus - despite having THREE attack dice to Zharkus' one defence dice. having two or three successes does nothing when Amanda keeps rolling crits... 

He was only taken out because Ghuloch rolled a Crit AND two successes.... so Amanda's solitary crit.... 


I did score two surges during the round, plus the bounty on Zharkus I ended the round with 3 Glory... 

And then Amanda evened it up in the end phase scoring THREE Glory just for being in my territory and none of mine being in hers!? GAH!?


Amanda went first again and Magore charged in and killed Gulloch.... Amanda played a Domain card that staggered anyone that activated and didn't do at least one one or two ... 

Sepsimus then stabbed Magore and dealt two damage! Woo! 

After Sepsimus went I played Slick Ice, cancelling her Domain and and making it very slippery. 

Ghartok charged in and hit Sepsimus... dealing two damage... and bounced back (because of impetus) 

Sepsimus stabbed at Magore again and missed... because single crit beast any number of non-crit successes... 

Riptooth charged in and chomped on Sepsimus - with a crit making it cleave - luckily I rolled ONE shield - which reduced the damage by one leaving him with one wound remainig... 

At this point I stopped taking pictures of the action, apparently. 

In my third activation Sepsimus charged moving adjacent to Fecula and stabbing at Magore, AGAIN... and AGAIN missing... because of a single crit... I'd positioned myself so that no matter where Amanda moved me, Sepsimus would still be within two of Magore. Part of me hoped she'd go for the Stagger.. but she's getting too clever and noted that it would not do ANYTHING for her as she could no longer charge with any of her fighters. So she moved Sepsimus closer so Magore could attack... And attack he did, killing Sepsimus... 

In retorspect, I could have placed him one away from Fecula and Amanda may have been temped to push him AWAY out of range of his stabby spear... Alas... I had no intention of attacking with him, as Fecula needed to charge so I could score one of my objectives... I guess I thought if Amanda did draw him closer and I got lucky and, for ONCE didn't get hit, he's survive and then be in a position to support Fecula's Charge. 

In my fourth activation, Fecula charged... and Amanda just kept rolling Crit defences... By the Festring Boils of Nurgle, I just needed to hit him with ONE of those last three attacks to finish him off... But EVERY ONE Amanda rolled a single crit and saved him... FML... 

I's scored two surges during the round Out of Control for the Impetus ability affecting an enemy and Wild Impetus for the Impetus ability being resolved for a third time in the round... 

In the End Phase I scored Eager for the Fight - for all surviving members (Fecula) have ing a charge or move token, and Cycle of Doom for having played two Cycle cards in the round... 

Oh, yeah... did I mention that...? I put out Nauseous Revulsion in the first Power Step, THREE of those attacks she made were with one less attack dice and she STILL hit me EVERY SINGLE TIME... 


For the third time in a row Amanda went first and Riptooth charged Fecula... It took a bite out of her, dealing two damage.... And again I forgot to take picture during the rest of this round... I had a bunch of upgrades, but they ALL gave Momentum tokens whenever the fighter activated, which Amanda could use to bring her back... and I wanted to RUN! Amanda played another Domain card that reduced move if not charging, but I had Unnatural Vitality which gave me +1 move... For Fecula's first activation I moved her four away and zapped at Magore with her spell attack... and missed (because CRIT Defence!!!). Amanda had upgraded Ghartok with extra move and so he charged Fecula and... MISSED. I think that was the first attack action she made in the game that missed! and then I moved away and was out of range of Magore, so that was it, no one was going to get another attack on her. 

She moved the next two rounds, ending up on an Objective token deep in enemy territory! 

I was able to score three more in the End Phase:

Spread His Blessings - for being on an Objective in Enemy Territory

Need for Speed - for all surviving fighters having at least one charge and/or move token

Too Slow - for having MORE combined Charge and/or move tokens on fighters than the enemy - which only happened because Amanda realized she could NOT catch Fecula and spent an activation discarding an objective to draw a new one! 

This was the second game in the last two days where my tactic for the Third Round was to just RUN AWAY with my solitary surviving fighter so I could hope to score objectives that required my fighters be alive - because that was the safer bet than trying to engage and take enemies out of action for Bounty Glory!? 

In the end it didn't matter as Amanda scored more and ended up with THIRTEEN Glory to my ten... 

It was nuts... I made NINE attacks in the game with two or three attack dice All with Smash attacks - so 50% chance of a success if there weren't anyone aiding the attack... but four of the attacks DID have someone aiding, which meant each die was succeeding 66% of the time....  only three of my attacks hit... because Amanda's solitary defence die which rolled Crits almost every time... two of the times I did hit her were because I rolled a crit AND a success! 

She had more or less the same attacks, except didn't have anyone that had a Three Smash attack (like Ghuloch) - they were all two dice attacks versus one defence die... of her seven attacks, SIX of them hit!?

So for a VERY QUICLY put together Nemesis deck, Magore did pretty good with Tooth and Claw! with a bit more editing, it could probably be even better... 

Or maybe it's time to try Voidcursed Thralls with them... 

Or... Maybe it's just time to try a different warband!?

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