Monday, March 4, 2024

Warhammer Underworlds - SNOW DAY!

Sunday has kind of become "Warhammer Underworlds Sunday". At this point, we've played Warhammer Underworlds on the last six Sundays in a row (and six of nine  Sundays so far this year)! Almost all of those involved playing 3/4 player games with Nic and/or Orion. This Sunday was to be no different... except then it snowed... like, A LOT. Most of the city was shut down Sunday (AND Monday), and Nic and Orion just couldn't make it over... 

So Amanda and I played on our own... which was fun as i got to try out Wurmspat with Breakneck Slaughter against SINGLE opponents!


In our first game Amanda took Morgwaeth's Blade-Coven with Paths of Prophecy. I won the roll-off for boards and had her place first. She took from Glacial Tomb from Deathgorge. I took The Mistmarsh Tangle from the Gnarlwood box, because I like the look of it... it seems like the sort of swamp that my Nurgling trio would want to hang out in... and because I am an IDIOT completely forgot there's a card in my deck that REQUIRES a HAZARD hex... (Doh!) 

If we were being all themaic and stuff, we probably should have played ONLY with the icy Deathgorge boards... alas, we did not think of that! (Or I didn't..) 

Fighters and objective tokens were placed and I think I won the roll-ff for deciding who goes first and let Amanda go... 

First move of round one was for Morgwaeth to jump onto an objective and stab Ghuloch! Ouch! 

I used a ploy card that allowed me to push two fighters one hex each... I could have attacked with Sepsimus and had Ghuloch supporting.. but I think I ended up going with Ghuloch because a) he was wounded and might not be around long, and b0 MORE DICE - he's got a three smash attack versus Sepsimus' two smash - and they both deal two damage... 

BAM! Ghuloch knocked Morgwaeth off (and, I THINK dealt two damage... I wasn't taking notes.... there was someone I knocked off of some objective at some point because we tied... but I'm not sure this was it...) and Kyrae moved onto it and stabbed Gholoch again.. or tried at least... 

I think it was Khamyss moving up that finished him off.. 

Sepsimus moved up to stab past Kyrae to try and take out Khamyss... and failed.. 

Fecula moved up and bashed with her staff and took Morgwaeth out of action! AND had used a combo of ploys to get extra dice...? and/or move...? which gained momentum tokens... but I had the Ploy reaction that allowed ME to choose which way she got to move...  

... and shot her over onto an objective! 

Taking out Morgwaeth that early on is a big deal. It's her best fighter AND she inspires the group as they take out enemy. Now all the others would have to wait until the third round to inspire. Also Glory... and an objective as I was holding an objective card that scored for taking out an enemy leader. 

At the beginning of round two, I made Fecula do a crazy charge around Sepsimus to attack Kyrae, dealing her two damage and transfering momentum to her to knock her TWO off the objective! 

Then I played Slick Ice, which is one of my favourite cards - for all the chaos it causes - or, causes my opponent(s) to really think twice about what they want to do for the rest of teh round and if they REALLY want to make that charge - which will give them Momenutm counters and send them flying off in random directions and/or stagger them! 

(just realizing I only had two Glory here... and I should have had three... I took out Morgwaeth and I know I had two objecitve cards that I would have scored... One for taking out leader, the other for being on an objective in enemy territory at the end of the round.?) 

Amanda's figuring stuff out, though.. She used Headlong Fury - a ploy that allows her to move an inspired fighter (Khamyss had been inspired when Ghuloch was taken out - before Morgwaeth was taken out) during the Power Step and not get a move counter. This allowed her to put Khamyss next to Sepsimus, withouth charging and incurring a momentum token! 

Then I forgot to take pictures for a few rounds... I think Khamyss dealt Sepsimus three damage (inspired she usually deals four if she hits with both combo attacks - but for ONCE the Damage Reduction worked and Sepsimus only took three!) - and didn't have a charge token... so I moved Sepsimus out of the way... Khamyss charged Fecula and took her out of action!? 

I kind of spent the rest of the game keeping Sepsimus away from Khamyss (though, really, ANY of them could have taken him out with any successful attack! it's just that she gets TWO attacks!) 

I did manage to charge and take out Lethyr in the third round... 

Then kept Sepsimus away... I COULD have charged someone. He had all sorts of upgrades giving him five or six move... 

But I was holding at least one objective that I'd only score if he was still alive. I might have had another surge I scored in round three that required being alive... and... something... I can't remember!? 

I shoudl really go back to taking notes - at least when I'm playing one-on-one with Amanda... 

Amanda scored a bunch at the end of the game and won 13-10... 

So... Breakneck Slaughter working... okay-ish.. with Wurmspat against single opponent. 

Paths of Prophecy worked out pretty good for Amanda as well, though she notice that a few cards were so hard to score in a one-on-one game that they really weren't worth keeping. 


Because I am a glutton for punishment I stuck with Wurmspat for round two (being a glutton for punishment, you'd think I'd play SLAANESH!?). Amanda wanted to switch things up and tried playing Magore's Fiends again - to see how she'd do if she actually used ATTACK dice for her attacks!?

In our last game she'd tried out Magore's Fiends and we only realized she was using DEFENCE dice for her attacks... And yet, she took out FOUR enemy fighters with them... because she CAN'T STOP ROLLING CRITS!?!? 

It's a bad match-up, Wurmspat versus Magore's Fiends... they're basically the same warband; Everyone hits on two smash, dealing two damage, has two move, one block defence and four wounds... except that Magores fiends have FOUR fighters to Wurmspat's three... (the extra one has move move and dodge defence... but still, four wounds, three flurry dealing two damage!) Also, they inspire by simply making a successful attack, whereas Wurmspat all inspires at the same time when three enemy have been wounded or taken out of action. 

Given this, I got it in my head that I'd play Long board and set up way at the back and make them come to me... which would take forever... and hopefully score SOME kind of passive glory... not really realizing that I don't HAVE that much passive Glory in my deck!? 

My initial draw was kind of kick ass... I got Slick Ice - teh card that sits in play for the round and gives momentum tokens to everyone that charges - which would SUCK for Magore's - as they WANT to charge and kill things.... AND I drew the Objective card(s) that scores for the Impetus reaction being used three times in a round (which would totally score with Slick Ice in play) and stand on an objective in enemy territory - which there was one very close to my board... It was an excellent starting hand... I can't remember the other Gambit cards... But it would require going against my initial plan when I placed the boards and would be compltely useless if I went with my original plan of just sitting back in the back part of the board and waited for him to come for me... 

So I dumped the whole hand, hoping I'd draw them all again in the second round... 

and then I drew a hand FULL of upgrades... and objectives that could NOT be scored... 

We took the entire first round moving up towards each other... 

Yeah, I took two pictures of the state of things at the end of Round One/Beginning of Round Two... and then the shit got REAL! 

And I forgot to take any more pictures until the end of the game!? 

It got savage... but I feel like I played it well enough - protecting my fighters, luring them in with bait and then ganging up on them. In the end I lost Sepsimus, but took out Magore and one of the others... 

By keeping mine alive, it WRECKED Amanda's ability to score just about anything - because most of what they score for is MURDER! It was an insanely low scoring game. I ended with FIVE Glory (two of which were for taking out fighters, three from Objectives) and Amanda ended up with THREE Glory (One from taking out Sepsimus and two from Objectives - one of which was for everyone ending a round in opponents territory!?) 

I think that might have been our lowest scoring game EVER!? 

I feel like I could do a bit more deck editing at this point. There are a few cards that I've noticed keep getting drawn and discarded without using... but I'm not sure WHAT I'd replace them with!? 

Do I keep trying to figure out a way to make Wurmspat "playable"...?! Sometimes I feel like I'm butting my head up against a wall!? 

I've played thirteen games with them and won only four! Mind you, EIGHT of those games were multi-player games and those get a little crazy - I only won one of those... 

Of the remaining five, One was two years ago when I played it the first time with Direchasm rules... and I think I had a pretty kick-ass Relic deck (or, what would NOW be called a "relic" deck) and beat-down Morgwaeth's and didn't playe them again until I started playing again with Deathgorge. The other four were played with Deathgorge rules one-on-one... The first I was still using the Relic deck, and lost. The other three were with Nemesis decks (one with Force of Frost and the other two were these games with Breakneck Slaughter..) which I won two of... 

So... maybe they're not doing SO bad...? Maybe I'll keep playing them... at least until I get some NEW warbands painted that I want to try out! 

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