Thursday, May 16, 2024

Wizard? Artist? Maybe BOTH!?


Wizard? Painter? Maybe a bit of BOTH!? 

Sometime ago I picked up four different versions of this wizard/painter from Hasslefree miniatures. All four use the same dolly and are in, more or less, the same pose. The others are all wearing more clothes. Two of them also hold a paintbrush one is in Rennaisance clothes and the other is in late 19th century clothes (I think). The third has a crooked magic wand and looks like he's tooled up for Frostgrave (mediveal-ish looking and dressed for cold weather).

Why did I get THIS one?! I don't know... it made me laugh, I guess... I mean, what is going on here?! Painter just likes to work in the nude in his studio!? Maybe it's a wizard that channels through paint and can channel that power best when he is unburdened by clothes?!

I'd finished it and thought it looked a bit... boring...? and added the paint splashes... not convinced it made it better. But at some time you just have to say, "nope, I'm done with this" and move on... 

Will I EVER use this miniature in a GAME!? I have no idea. while painting stuff like this I often try to imagine situations where the miniature could show up in a scenario of a skirmish game or a role-playing game... but then often the situations don't work out as well as they did in my head and so sometimes I feel like they're probably better left there. 

Do YOU have any ideas where this dude could show up in a game? 

What game? 

What setting? 


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