Thursday, May 16, 2024

Warhammer Underworlds - Back on Sundays

After missing a Sunday or two, Nic and Orion were back this past Sunday to play some more four-player games of Warhammer Underworlds! 

It felt like forever, but it was really only two weeks since they'd been by to play... but it was two weeks between that and the previous game, too, so...? Maybe that's why it was feeling like we hadn't been playing so much. only two games in teh last month, instead of EVERY WEEK, like the previous month!?

For out first game we played in the Deathgorge. I brought out Skabbik's Plaguepack again. Nic tried out the freshly-painted Skinnerkin (which I had just finished the day before). Amanda wanted to try something totally new and selected Mollog's Mob. Orion played the Chosen Axes with a Rimelocked Relics Nemesis deck! 

I'm not sure WHY I though dashing onto this objective would be safe in the first round...? I mean, that little rat scored NO GLORY... why would they hit it!? 

I was blissfully unaware that Carnskry can just fly over things and deal damage while on their way to somewhere else... 

Ghouls coming after the rats! 

Fyreslayers and Carnskyr and Mollog's minions duking it out.. 

Mollog going THUMP! 

For my final move, I had Skabbik charge Fjul-Grimnir... and I actually HIT him... which only dealt 3... but then I played Rancid Vomit and skabbik puked on him dealing TWO MORE damage which too him out and scored me two more Glory! 

It wasn't enough to catch up... Orion still won with SIXTEEN Glory... both me and Nic had 13 and Amanda had 10... 

For out second game we played in the Mirrored City and everyone kept the same warbands, except Orion who switched out the Chosen Axes for Hexbane's Hunters.

 Spent my first round just trying to avoid enemy and get ONE of the Befoulders onto an objective in someone else's territory. The only objective in No One's Territory was waaaaaaay over on the border between Hexbane's, Mollog's and the Ghouls territory... and Mollog started the game immediately adjacent to it! 

Kind of just let them fight it out a bit... 

While everyone was fighting over on Hexbane's end of the table so I started moving out to seize Objectives! 

Then Mollog charged and thumped poor Itchitt... 

Was this my chance to to a scything attack against two Ghouls and Mollog?! Nope. Rabidious got thumped into skaven-like goo by Mollog before I could act again... 

Starting to feel like Mollog was picking on me... 

In my last activation, Poxlic ran from Objective #7 to that next next closest one (#9? the one slightly further from Mollog and the remains of Hexbane's Hunters in Mollog's territory) and then I had a gambit card that allowed me to push my leader and one minion one hex, which put Skabbik on Objective #7 in my own territory, Skritter onto an objective in Hexbane's territory and that allowed me to corrupt THREE territories at the end of the round and score Bringers of Ruination for three glory! (not that it helped.. Orion still won with 14 glory... but it was a bit closer!) 

It also denied Amanda scoring an objective for a second turn in a row which required no enemies being in her territory... 

Fun times. 

We'll be missing next Sunday, again, because Keiran is performing in a musical! Hopefully Sundays will be more open after that, though! 

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