Thursday, June 6, 2024

Warhammer Quest - Night Wars and Cado Ezechiar

When Warhammer Quest: Cursed City came out three years ago, I promised myself I would NOT buy any expansions unless I had painted all the miniatures and at least STARTED playing through it... This was largely because I'd picked up Blackstone Fortress in 2018... and then sat on it until 2020 - buying expansions and not playing them... I DID get all the stuff from the base game (and most of the minis from the expansions...?) painted and I've played through the full first campaign and one or two of the expansions and part way through another... But there were over a half-dozen expansions for that, and I bought them all... and we still have the two big ones and at least two of the others that we never played through... and I felt a bit silly about that. 

As it turned out, there were NOT a pile of expansions that came out in rapid succession after the core box set, so I didn't really have to worry... and now it's been THREE YEARS and I'm only finally working towards finishing up the miniatures and planning to play it later this year... 

In the end there were only two real expansions that came out the following year. I felt no great need to get them, as by that time I'd... well... lost momentum and had no idea if (WHEN!) I'd get around to finishing up the miniatures from the base set, let alone ever playing... and, honestly, the initial campaign for Blackstone Fortress was just fine. If that's all I'd ever had and was able to play through... it was a pretty solid gaming experience. The expansions I've played (so far) have been fine, but I could have lived without them... I love the miniatures, I'd still like to play them at some point... but.. 

Flash-forward to today... I'd noticed that Dragon's Den Games (my FLGS) still had a copy of Nightwars - the first of the two expansions for Cursed City... It's been removed from the GW webstore, so I figured stocks are running low and it might be my last chance to get one... so I bought it... and after I paid for it, the owner told the minion to go get another out... apparently they have three more!? I needed have been so panicked (maybe not panicked... mildly concerned...?) that I might miss out on getting. 

So Warhammer Quest: Cursed City - Nightwars.... 

Apparently this picks up where the first quest ends (with the destruction of Radukar the Wolf - the Vampire overlord of the city of Ulfenkarn!). Into the power vacuum left in his absence, three of his lieutenants step up to take over... and it's back to hunting Vampires!

On the plus side, this expansion doesn't come with any miniatures. On the downside, this expansion doesn't come with any miniatures... Usually the miniatures that come in expansion boxes cost LESS than buying those miniatures individually when they ultimately become available separately... 

The miniatures recommended for the additional hostiles for this campaign are another $270CAD (calm down, that's like $100USD...) 

(Okay, it's more like $200USD...) 

But at least one $70 model I am very definitely likely not going to get! (and if I never get to playing Cursed City or don't feel like playing through this expansion afterwards, I won't be buying ANY of them!) Also, substitutes could be found for some of the others, if I'm feeling like a cheap bastard when I get around to it. 

While I've been working on all this Warhammer Quest and Warhammer Underworlds over the last month, I've been listening to audiobooks again. Audible had a special deal to sign up for three months for 99¢ per month, so I picked up the Cursed City audio book and listened to that over the last few weeks, and with the new month and a new Credit, I picked up The Hollow King and have been listening to that... and then... in a moment of weakness... 

I picked up Cado Exechiar - a special edition model of the main character of the Hollow King... 

(The last name is pronounced eh-Zee-key-arr in the audiobook... but all I see when it's in print is "EZ-Chair"...)

There was a Warhammer Quest angle to this! Though, as far as I am aware, there are no official Warhammer Quest rules/character cards for Cado, there really SHOULD be! His whole deal was he was the king of a land in the realm of Shyish that was destroyed by a Tzeentch Sorceress and her cult - everyone he ever knew died and as he lay dying he was approached by one of the Vampire Lords of the realm and offered him eternal life so he could hunt them all down and exact his vengeance... 

He seems like the PERFECT hero to play in Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower - as it takes place in a Silver Tower - the realm of a Gaunt Summoner of Tzeentch and the heroes in that game have either been entrapped the Gaunt Summoner, or have come there of their own will to either slay the Summoner - or ask a boon of it! No one loves slaying the followers of Tzeentch like Cado, here! If I have to, I'll make up a character card myself!!

1 comment:

  1. These specialist games are a real bother at they produce the core game, then produce reduced numbers of expansions to drive the insanity of it all. Of course if you don't get them when they are released you are often left without or paying ridiculous amounts of money for them on Ebay or aftermarket. Of course being specialist games, they are often the bigger draw, at least for my types of games these days. Now I need to see if I got Nightwars, as if I didn't I can order it from the Den! Cheers for the headsup!
