Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Work-in-Progress Wednesday - 5 June 2024

 It's Wednesday, so here is what is crowded onto my workbench and, in theory, being worked on this week... Pretty much ALL of it is either for Warhammer Underworlds or Warhammer Quest. I've moved a few of the other things off the desk into storage and there are a few of these things below that I'm also thinking should move into storage - just to clear up space. 

Last Friday I acquired a copy of The Chosen Axes... so of course they are the thing I've MOST worked on the last few days, and will probably have them finished up by the end of the week. They're pretty simple and straightforward and thus quick and easy to paint! 

Also the Gargant I acquired at the same time as the Chosen Axes has been rebased, primed black and I've started painting!? I really, REALLY want to play that Gargant scenario one of these Sundays!! Could be fun to bring out to the Warhammer Store on a Friday Skirmish Night!

The Games Workshop Gargant isn't TOO much bigger than the stand-in I had been painting... impetus to finish that one is fading quickly - which is ridiculous, because it's SO CLOSE to being DONE!!! I should really just sit down one evening and say "okay... going to finish this tonight" and get it done! 

It is June and that means it's Pride Month and so maybe it's time to finish up this ridiculous rainbow horde of Goblins and Squigs!

We are finally having our first local Warhammer Underworlds event at the end of the month, and Zarbag's Gitz are ONE of the warbands I'm thinking about bringing. It's probably going to be a Rivals event.... 

more rainbow grots - the Grot Skuttlers from Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower... I do need to finish these If I want to get started on playing Silver Tower! 

Not sure if I did any work on the Gaunt Summoner this week... but it's still on the workbench and rainbow themed... 

Still Tzangors on the workbench... also not sure if I did any work on these... but they're there because they also need to be finished to start Silver Tower

Kairic Acolytes - I DID do a tiny bit of work on these as I had some gold squirted out on the pallet for... something... and used it to start in on some of these cultists. 

I just started listening to the audiobook of The Hollow King by John French and the main character has encountered a few of these so far... maybe that will motivate me to get working on them again.

Assorted tokens for assorted Warhammer Quest games I do need at least six of these finished to play Silver Tower. The rest are kind of just there in case inspiration strikes and I decide to quickly knock one or two out... 

Deadwalker Zombies for Warhammer Quest: Cursed City... These should probably just go back into storage until I've done the Silver Tower stuff... I have determined I'm going to play through them in the order they were released... so... 

Assorted Warhammer Quest Heroes. The Dark Oath Warchief is SO CLOSE!? I'm not sure why he isn't DONE!? A few others have worked their way back onto the workbench - largely because I finished up listening to the Cursed City audiobook by C. L. Werner. There was a witch hunter (though not the one in the game!) that featured prominently in the book, and a wizard named Morrvahl Olbrecht - who had a character card that was originally only available in the hard cover version of the book... 

Being for Cursed City, though, they should probably go right back into storage... and I should just focus on a few current Warhammer Underworlds warbands and the characters needed for Silver Tower (and maybe Shadows Over Hammerhal!) 

Just a HORDE of Rats... some are corpse rats swarms for Cursed City, a couple are Skaven for Silver Tower and the rest are two separate Warhammer Underworlds warbands... which I've suddenly started working on again!?

Gryph Hounds... because... 

Two of them are for Warhammer Quest games... 

Thundrik's Profiteers and a couple of other Kharadron Overlord figures I have (both Warhammer Quest Heroes)... I finally got around to working on these the other week... and then hit a wall and I've done very little on them this past week... 

The Headsman's Curse Warhammer Underworlds warband... In between listening to The Cursed City and starting The Hollow King, I listened to the Paths to Glory podcast episode about Adepticon - where George won the Warhammer Underworlds event with The Headsman's Curse... which it probably what inspired me to do a little work on these... 

Brethern of the Bolt... another candidate for storage... 

Two more Warhammer Underworlds terrain bits.... for some reason I decided to paint bits separately and then assemble... I hate it... not doing that again! 

I'm pretty excited about this Warahmmer Underworlds event at the end of the month - mostly just to see how many people we can get out. I'm really torn about what warband to bring!? I'm really enjoying figuring out Zondara's Gravebreakers... but I'm kind of also interested in getting back to playing with Grinkrak's Looncourt or Skabbik's Plaguepack... or trying out the other skaven or goblin warbands... a

And then there's another part of me that wants to do something just silly, like bring out Steelheart's Champions - the Stormcast Eternals from the very first set... since it's Rivals, I wouldn't be able to play with their faction deck (as all the Shadespire/Nightvault era decks are not legal for Rivals because they do not have the right number of faction objectives - those older decks only had nine - instead of twelve - assuming you would add in at least a few of your generic ones to customize the deck). So I'd have to play with one of the Generic Rivals decks... and I was thinking Hungering Parasite, just because it would be a goofy theme... 

Or one of the other Shadespire/Nightvault era warbands with a Generic Rivals Deck. Like Garrek's Reavers or Magore's Fiends with Tooth and Claw... 

Maybe I could get Thundrik's Profiteers done... I have NO IDEA what deck I'd use with them... but I think it would be funny!! I think that might be my answer there... I'd do the Chosen Axes, but I know at least three other people have Chosen Axes, so that's nothing new! 


  1. Nice work Tim! Excited to see the warhammer quest minis all painted up. I wonder of anyone has tried to combine all three quest games? I think the characters would be transfer well between games.

    1. Thanks!

      In Cursed City the Hero Cards have an inspired side (or, whatever it is called), and different dice are used... In the first two stats and attacks were defined by how many d6s and in Cursed City stats are defined by which types of dice you use (d6/d8/d12) like Blackstone fortress... but, as you say, I'm sure there'd be a way to sort them out and use them in each other game.

      Doing some digging I found there was an app for the first two (Silver Tower and Shadow Over Hammerhal) that had LOADS of other characters... and you could buy a pack of cards with loads of other heroes... but those are all long gone. I'm surprised there aren't piles of files with Heroes and Hostiles all updated for Cursed City! ? Maybe there are and I just haven't found them yet!

      I did find one file that had all the updated Cursed City stats for the basic heroes from Silver Tower and Shadow Over Hammerhal - but not all the different expansion heroes that could be played in those games...

      I guess I'll worry about that when I've exhausted all the possibilities in the basic sets I have...

      I hope at some point they have a Generals Handbook type book that collects all the articles from White Dwarfs past...

    2. There hasn't been nearly as much support for Cursed City as there was for Blackstone Fortress - or any of the previous incarnations of Warhammer Quest, which I find a little surprising, considering the popularity of the games...

      Or... maybe it HASN'T been as popular as I imagined...?! I think anything that sells out within hours of going on preorder is going to be a winner that will keep on generating sales... there are SO MANY models that GW already has which could be used in the game (which is kind of what they'd started doing in a few of the recent White Dwarf magazines... for the Flesheater Courts and, I think, Cities of Sigmar...?

  2. I feel overwhelmed just looking at all of it but I love the rainbow squigs and gryph hounds! The former I believe should be referred to as "Skittles", going forward.

    1. Oh, I get very overwhelmed by it all too!

      "Skittles" made me laugh so hard! I'm never going to not think of that when I look at them now! Thanks!
