Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Warhammer Underworlds - Da Kunnin Krew versus Wurmspat

On Sunday Orion and Nic weren't available, so Amanda and I had a quick one-on-one game later in the evening. We'd been talking, for days, about playing more before the Underworlds Event on the 30th... and then just getting too busy... 

For this game, Amanda pulled out Da Kunnin Krew which she'd pretty successfully put down Zondara's Gravebreakers with a few weeks back! So she thought she'd have a go with them again. 

I decided to try out Wurmspat with the newer Rimewyrm's Bite. Everyone's been telling me it makes Wurmspat "playable"...

I don't think either warband had much in the way or HOLD objectives, so it was VIOLENCE from the word "go"! 

Just a nasty, stabby slugfest... 

Gulough just destroyed Gikkit in one blow... 

Then kind of got ganked.

Fecula moved in and squashed Krookgrin... 

Sepsimus charged and took out Shank... 

And that left Fecula and Sespsimus versus Mannok da Kunnin' and Torka Tuffskull.

Now, usually Amanda causes me GREAT FRUSTRATION but rolling a RIDICULOUS number of Crit Defences... I'll roll one or two successes. Amanda will roll a single die and get a crit result that beats all of my successes. 

This didn't happen THAT much this game... She only did that twice in the whole game. But she didn't really NEED all those Crit defenses... because after Round one, Sepsimus, who I got up to a 3 Dice attack, just could not roll successes... like, ever... He attacked Torka, like SIX TIMES over the course of the game and didn't deal a single point of damage... 

I DID take out Torka, at some point, but it was from a series of pings (one damage) from cards or one attack by Fecula's spell or pushing him into Lethal Hexes... it was ridiculous.... 

At the very end it was just Mannok da Kunnin' and Sepsimus... who were both not looking great. 

Fecula was down to one would at the end of the second round... but after a couple of lucky card draws, I was able to heal her back up to full (or... ALMOST full..?)but then the constant combo attacks of Mannok and Torka finally finished her off... 

It wasn't ALL bad... I have hardly EVER been able to use the special damage reduction that all of the Wurmspat fighters have... but this game it worked out at LEAST four times, much to Amanda's annoyance! 

DEPSPITE all of these frustrations... I still WON!? It wasn't an overwhelming victory. The final score was only 9-5... a pretty low scoring game... but I think Rymewyrm's Bite definitely has some potential. I'll need to play it more and then build a Nemesis deck around it... Probably WON'T be taking Wurmspat to the Event on Sunday with it... 

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