Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Work-in-Progress Wednesday - 26 June 2024

 I haven't really got much DONE in the last week... but I've been working on things! Here's what's still on the workbech

Still managed to keep it MOSTLY clear of NOT CURRENT PROJECTS! 

Putird Blight Kings

Shadows Over Hammerhal Heroes

Other Warhammer Quest Heroes

I started work on the Hedonites of Slaanesh Vanguard box I picked up last week. I'm getting them ready for the the upcoming Spearhead League and the Warhammer store (and hopefully, at some point, a Paths to Glory Campaign!). I've been pretty distracted from the MAIN PRIORITIES by these... and they have taken a LOT more time than anticipated to assemble?! 

Shardspeaker of Slaanesh and three Slaangor  Fiendbloods.

Blissbard Archers.... 

These were my nemesis this week... gone are the days of mulitpart plastic figures where you get things that are recognizably Legs, Torso, Arms, Head - that you don't even NEED directions to put together... 

Now it's THIS!? 

The instructions make it LOOK like they should go together real easy like... but not so much... C26 and C27 look like it should be easy enough to put together... but those bits don't obviously slide right into place... SOMETIMES they do and if feels like you're working with a masterpiece of engineering... other times... I'm not sure if i'm looking at part of a head or part of a butt and which way which is to go...

Don't get me started on how soulcrushingly frustrating it is to get C30 and C31 into the EXACT RIGHT SPOTS in the armpit areas and just the right angle so that the arrow is NOT just just waving around in the air like something that desperately wants to be broken the first time you put it on the table... let along trying to make it contact the bow anywhere close to the hand holding the bow... AND keep that fucking army/arrow stuck to the miniature you're attaching it too and NOT YOUR FUCKING FINGERS?!?!?!?

I've only just started assembling the Slickblade Seekers - which look AMAZING... but they are also FREAKING HUGE compared to the older Seekers!?!?

The last two months Free Minaiture-of-the-Month are still lingering on the painting desk as well... 

The Chaos Gargant is STILL on the workbench... I think I did a little bit of work on it in the last week... maybe... but it wasn't that much and I forgot to take a picture of it, so... 

The Chaos Gargant and Warhammer Quest: Shadows over Hammerhal stuff (Putrid Blight Kings and four Heroes) are still, in theory, the priority. While I'm pretty sure I'll get the Warhammer Quest: Shadows over Hammerhal stuff done by next week - when we were planning to start the campaign... I'm not-so-sure I'll get the Gargant done by Friday... I have a feeling it's going to be tough to motivate myself to work on that with all these Hedonites on the desk that I'm super excited about!?

Also this past week, I got RID of some more stuff. 

While organizing the Workbench and putting miniatures back in their permanent storage drawers and taking stock of things... I opened up the drawer that held these and said... yep... these need to go... and so I posted them on my local Miniature Buy/Sell on Facebook Marketplace and within an hour or so, they were gone! 

Well... spoken for... they weren't actually picked up 

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