Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Chaos Sorcerer?

I did get ONE thing finished up this week! (the rest of what I've been working on can be seen at Work-in-Progress Wednesday - 26 June 2024)!

 This character looks like it could be a Necromancer or a Lich or something... but I seem to recall seeing it listed in a Citadel Miniatures catalog waaaaaaaay back as a "Chaos Sorcerer"...

I have no immediate plans for it's use... Just spotted it in the drawer with the other AGe of Sigmar undead and thought, I could finished that up super quickly!

Chaos Sorcerer!?

I don't think it's meant to be a Lich, if you look closely, the skull is probably meant to be a mask and the boney hands are bone-covered gauntlets. If anything it looks more like an Ossiarch Bonereaper - decades ahead of their time?!

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