Thursday, June 27, 2024

Warhammer Underworlds - Morgwaeth's Blade-Coven versus Skabbik's Plague Pack

Tuesday evening  say down for ANOTHER Game of Warhammer Underworlds.

Once again, we trying out options to take to the event on Sunday - less than a week away now! Kind of running out of time.... 

Amanda brought out an old favourite: Morgwaeth's Blade-Coven and tried pairing them with Paths of Prophecy. Now, she has used a Paths of Prophecy NEMESIS deck, and that worked out pretty good for her. But this was JUST the Paths of Prophecy deck. 

I decided to play Skabbik's Plague Pack...  and played pretty aggressively with them - jumping onto objectives where I could and attacking anyone adjacent.

We're both playing warbands that kind of want to hold objectives... but it was WAY MORE important for Amanda with the Paths of Prophecy deck! 

I feel like in the first round there was a lot of attacking but not a lot of hitting...? 

It was quite the brawl going on... which was fine... it meant I ended the round with a bunch of Befoulers next to Enemy Fighters.... which meant those Enemy Fighters would be staggered to start off the new round! 

Also I befouled both my Territory and Enemy Territory and so everyone inspired! 

For my final activation in the first round, Skritter charged way across the board and chewed on Kyrssa in my last activation, dealing a damage and pushing her off the objective she was holding... I had a card that allowed me to push a Friendly Fighter, to keep Skritter next to Kyrssa. Skritter alone on the objective would have befouled the territory, but there were also two or more Friendly Fighters in the Territory, so... 

At the beginning of the next round. Kyrssa was staggered (because starting a round adjacent to a stinky-stinky befouler) and I started things off with Skritter attacking Kyrssa and taking her out of action! 

And then things got nasty and killy... 

I kept focused on the Objective Cards and trying to score them, and if there was a chance of standing on an Objective token or taking a swing at the murder-aelves while doing so... I would do that... but mostly just stuck to the cards... and that kind of worked out! 

I ended the game with FIFTEEN Glory to Amanda's nine! 

I was leaning towards a different warband for the Warhammer Underworlds event on Sunday... but now I have to seriously consider these stinkers... Primarily I want to play something fun and a little silly... and these are super fun and I'm really happy with the paint job on them and the cards are super thematic to the warband - so many bursting sores and rancid vomit and smells... so many smells... I get to make fart jokes all day... AND they can do pretty good in a game!? 

Amanda wasn't so sure about using Paths of Prophecy as a deck in a Rivals setting... It's got some good stuff that mixed with a few of the Blade-Coven's cards can make a pretty okay Nemesis deck... buuuuut.... 

She has a couple more decks to try out with them; Rime-Locked Relics and Rimewyrm's Bite. 

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