Monday, July 22, 2024

Age of Sigmar - Fomoroid Crusher and Ogroid Myrmidon

Took a little break from the Hedonites of Slaanesh to finish up this Fomoroid Crusher and Ogroid Myrmidon.

Initially I sought out a Fomoroid Crusher because there is a Warhammer Underworlds solo scenario that can be played with one. I noticed that the Fomoroid Crusher was available in a pack with an Ogroid Myrmidon and a Mindstealer Shpyranx (Hargax’s Pit-Beasts), for a little more than just buying two of them on their own! I'd wanted to pick up a Mindstealer Shpyranx since they came out... I was less concerned about the Ogroid Myrmidon... But then, as an added bonus, the addition of the three Pit-Beasts brings the total points of the Slaves to Darkness stuff that I have to just over 2000 points... Absolutely NONE of it has been  painted (save for Khagra's Ravagers... and now THESE), but whatevs... they're there... I'll get to them... 

(I had BIG IDEAS when 3rd Edition came out!? Maybe I'll realize some of those ideas with FOURTH!)

Fomoroid Crusher and Ogroid Myrmidon

These are BIG BOIs - that's an old metal Dark Elf mini... 

Fomoroid Crusher

Fomoroid Crusher's back side... Less clear from the front, be was obviously chained to a wall... or, stone pillars...? but pulled/smashed the rock wall/pillar apart and is dragging carrying bits still attached to him by chains and has been using them as weapons to crush foes... 

Ogroid Myrmidon

As I paint things sometimes I make up stories for the miniatures. I've been painting miniatures for WArhammer Quest games recently, including Silver Tower, which contained a Ogroid Thaumaturge... 

Both of which are clearly based on the same base 3-D rendering... because of the similarity I started imagining the two were brothers, but had taken very different paths! The Thaumaturge became a wizard and serves a Gaunt Summoner of Tzeentch. The Myrmidon serves a Chaos Lord in a Slaves to Darkness army (with a bit of a lean towards Slaanesh)...

Do they know of each others whereabouts? Do they HATE each other!? Do they attempt to fight to the death on sight!? Were they separated at a very early age and not even aware the other exists!? I don't know... I hadn't sorted that out - just imagined possibilities! 

When will the Mindstealer Sphyranx be finished... that one's going to take a bit longer as I need to figure out what colours to use... I do LOVE the way Louise Sugden painted hers (instagram link)! (I will not be adding WINGS, though!?) 

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