Saturday, July 20, 2024

Hedonites of Slaanesh - Slanngor Bloodfiends

 Another unit of the Hedonites of Slaanesh Spearhead force...

Slanngor Bloodfiends

They felt a bit rushed... yet I spent a CrAzY amount of time on these... and would not have wanted to spend more... but there is so much ridicilous detail on all of these... 

I went with coloured straps as I never seem to get black leather to look right... and brown leather would have just been so... mundane....? Wasn't sure if I should have stuck with one colour - I started with red on one and considered doing that for the rest of them... but then decided to mix it up and... went with primary colours!? I dont' know... it seemed like a good idea at the time?! 

Uggggghhhh...! And don't' you hate it when you take pictures of your newly painted minis and realize, when you look at the blown up version of them in the pictues that YOU MISSED STUFF!?

So with these done, I've technically done HALF the units in the force... mind you they're the smallest (numerically) and represent only 20% of the miniatures in the force...

So I still have TWO MORE units to finish up TODAY so I can bring them all out to the Spearhead League tomorrow!!! On the plus side, I'm not exactly starting from scratch. I've been working on all the units, jumping back and forth, all along. The Slickblade Seekers are very close to being finished and the Blissbard archers... well... they'll probably end up being a bit mire uniform in appearance as I set them up in assembly line fashion to get them DONE!

Aye-yi-yi... for forecast for Sumday is +33°C!? it's a 10Km bike ride to the Warhammer store. Luckily it starts at 11am, so maybe it won't be TOO hot by then... 


  1. Yeah, photos of minis do tend to reveal all of the flaws and things you missed, and all that. :P

    Hopefully you can stay cool enough on the hot bike ride. That is way too hot for my tastes, even without any physical exertion.

    1. I'll see how I'm feeling in the morning... I don't know... It's really warm...
