Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Work-in-Progress Wednesday - 17 July 2024

I kind of missed doing this last week... Did anyone miss seeing it!?

On one hand, I didn't feel like much had progressed and felt like time would be better spent painting miniatures, rather than taking pictures of the same old half painted miniatures!? (Well there has been SOME progress this past week! Not nearly as much as I'd hoped, though). On the other hand, one side-benefit of actually doing this once a week is it gives me a weekly excuse/opportunity to clear some stuff OFF the workbench!?

I'd really hoped that by this past weekend I'd have had my Hedonites of Slaanesh Vanguard/Spearhead force finished so I could IMMEDIATELY start playing Age of Sigmar: Spearhead on launch... Alas, they are STILL not completed... But there has been PROGRESS!!!

When last we checked in two weeks ago... I'd still only assembled MOST of the Hedonites of Slaanesh (still has two Slickblade Seekers to assemble). All of the assembled stuff had been primed and I'd done most of their bases!?

Since then I have finished the Shardspeaker of Slaanessh....

The Slickblade Seekers are fully assembled and a fair bit has been painted! I honestly thought these might be the LAST of the bunch to be painted, but I feel like they might actually be NEXT!

The Slaangor are part way done as well. I thought these might be next after the Shardspeaker... but I'll probably finished them up after the Slickblade Seekers.

The Blissbarb Archers are still just primed black and bases done... 

Will I push through and get these all done by the weekend!? Hard to say... 

There have been a few distractions!?

Primarily, Hargax's Pit Beasts made their way onto the table and bot assembled and primed and I've even got a fair bit along with painting the Ogroid Myrmidon and the Fomoroid Crusher... the Mindstealer Sphyranx might take a bit longer... as I want to do a really good job on that one!?

I just hope it doesn't become TOO PRECIOUS TO PAINT!?


The only thing I took out of the Skaventide box to assemble and paint was the four little terrain bits.... 

It was VERY tempting to assemble a few of the Skaven or Stormcast Heroes... maybe just the two on mounts... or one of the smaller units of three Stormcast... But I knew it would just be MORE distractions on a table that there were already TOO MANY DISTRACTIONS!? 

A few other things have made their way onto the table, though... 

Some bonus Hedonites of Slaanesh things got on the table - before I picked up Hargax's Pit Beasts - the Infernal Enrapturess and Esske (the Daemon Prince of Slaanesh half of Syll-Esske) both needed rebasing from the 40K bases they were on.... and the Lord of Pain just made his way on because I knew I's be using a similar palette for him as the Blissbarb archers and Slickblade Seekers, so... might as well bring him to the table and work on him at the same time... 

There are a few others as well... 

The Kroot Free Minature-of-the-Month for July (which I thought was odd, with all the HYPE for the new Skaventide box, I thought FOR SURE it would be a clan rat or some kind of Stormcast Eternal...!?) 

Melusai Ironscale... because... y'know... I have SOME Daughters of Khaine... and (other than Morgwaeth's Blade-Coven) exactly NONE of them are painted and I was feeling a little embarrassed about that and thought maybe I should start with getting just this ONE Hero done... maybe that would get me excited enough to put MORE of them into the mix... or maybe it would get AMANDA excited enough to try out Age of Sigmar and THAT might get me excited enough to paint the rest of them!? 

Um... and... I kind of assembled and primed and did the bases for MOST of the Fangs of the Blood Queen!? 

THIS GUY is STILL hanging around on the workbench... at this point all I have to do is finish his patchwork pants... 

Some Darkoath Warriors (with a new recruit!?) (All free miniatures-of-the-month)

When I got it in my head that I might KEEP the Stormcast from the Skaventide box and might paint them as the Anvils of the Heldenhammer... 

I've been rethinking that... because, as I was fooling around with army options for THE PLAN section of the the Stormcast Eternals Page... I realized, with ALL THE STUFF I have, I could field a 2000 point army - at least in a funsies game that allowed Legends units... and then I started thinking I should stick with Hammers of Sigmar, as boring as they are, for a consistent look... 

But then... do I CARE about ever fielding a 2000 point army and playing a game that big!??!

(probably not...) 

Two heroes from Warhammer Quest: The Silver Tower. I had hoped to finish one or both before our FIRST GAME OF WARHAMMER QUEST last night - just to be able to offer a few more options for the players... 

And some other stuff I couldn't be bothered to take pictures of... 

Starting to see why I did not get the Hedonites done...?

Also, while not technically on the workbench, in teh last week or so I actually started assembling my Warscryer Citadel that's been sitting in a box for YEARS!? The gothic looks just screams THIS IS WHERE A VAMPIRE LIVES... and because that's the NEXT PROJECT after the Hedonites... I thought I'd start assembling it!?

The RIDICULOUS thing is, I keep thinking about OTHER armies I could get vanguard/Spearhead boxes for!? I've settled down a bit... and I've decided if (WHEN!!) I get the first FOUR Spearhead forces I have (or five, if I pick up the Doomfire Warlocks to build a Daughters of Khaine Spearhead force), I'll allow myself another - which will probably be the Sylvaneth (because it's only ten models - though a few are pretty BIG ones! and also it has Kurnothi Hunters and a Branchwych - both of which are playable archtypes in Soulbound?)

(If ever I finished THOSE... I might get the OTHER Chaos forces... Blades of Khorne, Maggotkin of Nurgle, Disciples of Tzeentch....) 

The Spearhead forces are kind of like DBA or HotT armies - small, fixed forces - it's easy to have more than one and scratch that little itch of wanting to HAVE THEM ALL (or, at least a few, opposing forces)!? 

This past week I've also been working on some new Gallery Pages of my assorted Age of Sigmar fantasy miniatures. I'm not sure how to navigate to them on a phone. On a desktop computer, they should show up over on the left, under "Pages". 

Or you can see them here:

Age of Sigmar - Hedonites of Slaanesh

Age of Sigmar - SoulBlight Gravelords

Age of Sigmar: Stormcast Eternals

Age of Sigmar - SoulBlight Gravelords

Age of Sigmar: Blades of Khorne

I also have pages in the works for Skaven (two of them, actually - one for Metal, one for plastic) and the Daughters of Khaine... and sort of one for Cities of Sigmar, maybe...?

Back to PAINTING!!!


  1. Looking great!
    Love the multicolour steed of Slaanesh!

  2. Lots of fun stuff on the go, which should give you a lot of options (and hopefully not decision paralysis)

    I had no idea that the Sphyranx was so big!

    1. Yeah... I really need to FOCUS though, because the Spearhead League starts this Sunday! ha-ha!
