Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Work-in-Progress Wednesday - 3 July 2024

With the Putrid Blightkings and the last of the Heroes of Hammerhal finished, it's time to switch gears and get these Hedonites of Slaanesh done!

And that is pretty much ALL i have on the painting desk!?

Okay, there are a few other Warhammer Quest characters and bits and bobs skulking at the edges... 

Like these Dark Oath Warriors... and a Cities of Sigmar Soldier that had decided to become a Dark Oath Warrior (I guess I should find a 28mm base to swap the CoS soldier onto, if they're now worshiping the dark gods!?) 


But for the most part, it is just the Hedonites! 

The Hedonites have not been fun to assemble... and I have NO IDEA how I'm ever going to transport them without at least a few breaking?! And I'm not totally looking forward to trying to paint them... (which is why I've probably STARTED with the bases on so many of them!?

Shardspeaker of Slaanesh and Slaangor

Blissbarb Archers

Slickblade Seekers (Well... three of them, two still to assemble...) 

that's all I need to finish in the next two weeks... totally doable, right!?

These new seekers are freaking HUGE compared to the older ones?! looks like those daemonettes are riding around on the pony-version of seekers?!

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