Saturday, August 3, 2024

Age of Sigmar - Blood Warriors

Last night I finished up the last of the Blood Warriors needed for my Blades of Khorne Spearhead Force! 

Blood Warriors 

I didn't highlight the red and brass as much as I obviously did on the test mini I finished a few days ago, on the left of the picture above. I'm kind of tempted to go back and touch all of these up so their a bit brighter... part of me wants to say "nope, they're done time to move on..."

The darker tones to make them look grittier and like they've seen shit... I may touch them up a bit later this afternoon if I get the rest of the Bloodreavers done early enough! If I don't do anything with them today, I probably never will... (unless I touch them up when I get to doing the next batch of ten Blood Warriors I have...) 

In regular Age of Sigmar these are fielded in units of ten (and can be reinforced to 20). I wonder if that is what the previous owner did - field them in units of 20 - as there is only this one standard bearer amongst the lot!

For Spearhead they are fielded in two units of five!? Not sure why... they did the same with the Blissbarb Archers in the Hedonites of Slaanesh Spearhead force... I guess to give everyone four maneuver elements...? 

All of the Khorne for Spearhead, so far - just need to finish up 10 Bloodreavers...

TECHNICALLY, I could get away with NOT painting the Bloodreavers, as I have access to ten that are painted - the ones I painted from Finnegan's Warhammer Quest games! They have different bases, though... 

So, this is what a full Blades of Khorne Spearhead force will look like! 

I will definitely try to finish my own Bloodreavers today, however... 

So excited to try this out tomorrow. 

Then I'll need to convince someone in the house to play a Blades of Khorne versus Hedonites of Slaanesh match-up!!

As I was working on these, I remembered I had a few mutated arms from... somewhere...? They are GW products I think they might have been on a separate upgrade sprue that you could use to make minis into mutants? So, I decided to tear the arms off a few of my new Blood Warriors and Bloodreavers and replace them with mutated arms. This Blood Warrior is one of them!

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