Saturday, August 17, 2024

Age of Sigmar - Melusai Ironscale

 I'm kind of all over the place this week... jumping from one thing to another... can't settle on a thing to do. Part of me wants to do some more Blades of Khorne... Part of me wants to bang out this Daughters of Khaine Spearhead force (but I know it isn't going to be a quick one to actually "bang out"). Part of me wants to assemble the Stormcast Spearhead force and get them done...

In all that jumping around back and forth I did manage to finish up the Melusai Ironscale - the Daughters of Khaine Hero that will lead the Spearhead army. 

Melusai Ironscale

The weird thing about the Spearhead army is... you wouldn't see it in an actual Daughters of Khaine army in regular Age of Sigmar!? 

This Melusai Ironscale will only lead forces with the Khinerai or Melusai Keywords (bat-ladies and snake-ladies) in a Regiment they command... but half of the other units (Witch Aelves and Doomfire Warlocks) in the Spearhead force have those keywords, they're all Aelves! They would need and Aelf Hero (or Morathi, herself!) 

Convenientlym the Arena of Shades box that I bought to get the Witch Aelves and DOomfire Warlocks I needed to complete the Spearhead force, also included a High Gladiatrix - an Aelf Hero! 

I should probably just make the effort to finish assembling the Daughters of Khaine and get THOSE done... 

Here's the entire army so far... and the other ones aren't even useful in the Spearhead army... I got a way to go! 

It is sweltering in the house right now... It's actually MUCH cooler outside, but the air quality is SO BAD I can't open the windows... 

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