Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Dramatis Personae - Dez the Space Sloth

 This is Dez the Space Sloth. He and his kind are in no way related to terrestrial sloths... they just look a little similar and are know for their unhurried (but very precise) ways... so people just started calling them that... 

Dez, the Space Sloth.

Dez is an incredible mechanic. I'm adding them to the crew of the Silver Slip (for my solo Five Parsecs From Home campaign). I know there's an actual defined way to add crew in the rules... but it's my game, I can do what I want. And I want Dez to join the crew... 

I thought I'd use the basic stats for the Engineers, but make them even SLOWER (3") and LESS EFFECTIVE in combat (-1) !? BUT I'll give him a +2 in Savvy to start and keep the +1 to repair rolls that the Engineers get.. so...

Species Type: Space Sloth

Reactions: 1

Speed: 3”

Combat: -1

Toughness: 2

Savvy: +3

Luck: 0

Background:  Lower Megacity Class - +1 Low-tech Weapon

Motivation: Just wants to work on a starship and do a good job - +1 Story Point

Class: Technician (+1 Savvy, Gear) 

Gear: Scrap Pistol, Communicator

Am I going to start playing Five Parsecs From Home RIGHT NOW!? No, probably not... This miniature just happened to be lurking near the workbench for too long... without a base... and then I rebased all the Bloodletters of Khorne (from the 40K/Necromunda bases I originally based them on to something a little more generic...) so I had all these sci-fi bases kicking around that were already painted... and this guy didn't need a lot of painting... so I stuck them to a base and knocked them out and that's one more miniature done and it was fun thinking about the character... 

I'll be back to posting new Age of Sigmar models tomorrow as I finished up a few Nighthaunts this evening! 


  1. I have a large RUB filled with minis and terrain for a 5PFH campaign. I figured it would be my winter project but have yet to make any progress in it; I look forward to following yours once it is up and running.

    1. Thanks!

      I'll get back to it one of these days... I did play one adventure with my crew... Last October...? and had The second one all planned out... but just didn't get to playing it...?

      I've been toying with the idea of trying something with Five Leagues from the Borderlands to do something similar with fantasy... but making use of all these Age of Sigmar models I've been acquiring!?

  2. Love this guy! He seems like a useful figure all around... civilian? Mechanic? Tourist? Messanger? Any or all!

  3. I love the space sloth! :D Where did he come from?
    I like Five Parsecs (and Five Leagues), and have done a little with the former, just a couple of encounters/battles, I think. Too long ago now (with 2nd edition, before Modiphius acquired it and spruced it up).

    1. Thanks!

      They came from one of the Astropolis Kickstarters from Lead Adventure Miniatures. It looks like the line is currently sold by

      This one is from the Kroglogg Engineer and Assistant pack - this is the assistant... But I think they look like they'd make a find technician aboard a small space-faring vessel!

  4. I have a number of these Space Sloths, they are lovely figures. The whole Astropolis range is utterly charming.
    Alan Tradgardland
